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Deployment unit validation

As described in the Provisioning section, a successfull validation is a prerequisite for the execution of a provisioning plan.

Validation plan

To validate a deployment unit, the Coordinator builds and executes a validation plan (a DAG) composed of a variable number of validation tasks. The validation is considered successfull if all these tasks complete without any validation errors.

CGP validation task

It sends the deployment unit descriptor to the Computational Governance Platform (CGP), which selects a set of applicable computational policies and validates them against the provided descriptor. If at least one of the policies detects a compliance issue in the descriptor, the CGP validation task is marked as failed.

Tech adapters validation tasks

A validation task for each component in the descriptor. Alternatively, if the validation occurs within a provisioning plan context, only components slated for deployment or remaining deployed will undergo validation.

Each of these tasks sends the descriptor to the component's tech adapter for validation. If any validation errors are returned, the validation task is considered failed.


Even the Data Catalog's tech adapter will receive a validation request.


The validation of a deployment unit can be triggered via APIs, and it's also automatically run when initiating a provisioning plan containing at least one deploy task.