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When installing Witboost, the customer should provide:

  • a Kubernetes cluster with a dedicated namespace. This can be self-hosted or provided by a cloud provider (e.g. AKS / EKS), and this will be the cluster where all the product's containers will be deployed.
  • a Postgres Database. The preferred way is to integrate with a managed instance, so the customer can configure it with their policies (retention, accesses, backups, etc).
  • a technical integration with the company organization's structure, like Active Directory or LDAP. This is needed to get users' and groups' details, so Witboost can correctly identify the logged user. In the case of Active Directory, it is sufficient to create an App Registration for the technical integration with the company organization's structure on Active Directory. This is needed to get users' and groups' details, so Witboost can correctly identify the logged user (the needed permissions over Microsoft Graph for the App Registration are Group.Read.All, GroupMember.Read.All, User.Read, and User.Read.All). Once set up, simply include the Web URI of witboost in the App Registration, which will use the standard triplet to connect (Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret).
  • A versioning system (like GitLab or Bitbucket). The integration with such systems is performed through a technical user which will only perform read operations, while end users will integrate with it using their credentials by setting their token in the platform.