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Configuring Git credentials

When performing actions that will act on a repository (creating a new repository, committing/pushing some files, etc) witboost requires you to specify the token that you will be using to interact with the git repository.

Unless your organization is using a common access token for every user (not recommended), if your personal access token is not set in your account settings, an error message will notify you to configure it in your settings.

To do so, from any page in witboost:

  1. On top of the page, click on your profile picture and then click on Settings and Profile
  2. In the Settings page click on the Advanced tab
  3. Now you can insert your token for your git provider. This token is stored securely, nobody can see it.

You can always come back and delete it if you need to add a new one.

Generating Access Tokens in your Git Provider

As mentioned before, Witboost will store all the components information in your git provider. For this reason, we need to generate an Access Token to allow the platform to create the repositories and commit information in them.

Below you will find official documentation websites to know how to generate access tokens in your configured git provider:

Be sure to create a token with the following scopes:

  • api
  • read_repository
  • write_repository
  • read_api

Official Gitlab documentation: link