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Marketplace Plugin configurations

All the Marketplace Plugin configurations are contained inside the reference.conf file. This file contains all the values that are used to make the Marketplace Plugin more customizable.

AKKA configurations

Marketplace Plugin is based on AKKA HTTP, and here you can find the specific section to configure it:

Property NameDefaultTypeMeaning
logLevel"OFF"stringIf this value is set to OFF, AKKA will not show any logs. If this is set to ON, AKKA will show them.
actor.warn-about-java-serializer-usageonstringIf it is set to on, AKKA will show the warning about the use of Java Serializer.
actor.allow-java-serializationoffstringIf it is set to on, AKKA will allow the Java serialization.
coordinated-shutdown.exit-jvmonstringIf it is set to on, it enables to close any instance of jvm.

These properties must be defined under akka.

Marketplace generic configurations

These are all the generic configurations that can go under marketplace-proxy.

Property NameDefaultTypeMeaning
httpPort8090numberThis value is the HTTP port to use to access to the MarketplacePlugin endpoints.
hasura-url"http://localhost:8080/v1/graphql"stringIt contains the URL that points to the Hasura endpoints
hasura-client-timeout60numberIt contains the timeout used when a request to hasura is performed.
hasura-authorization//stringIt contains the secret to used to authenticate the requests to Hasura.
server-certificate-path"pki/server.p12"stringIt contains the path in which you can find the .p12 certificate.
server-certificate-password"password"stringIt contains the password used for the previous certificate.
server-tls-onfalsebooleanIf true it enables the TLS server.

Dependency resolver

It contains the dependency resolver configuration, if it is enabled let the Marketplace Plugin to add to a depending output port descriptor, the fields that are in the dependent output port.

Property NameDefaultTypeMeaning
enabledfalsebooleanIf true it enabled the dependency resolution.
fields-to-copy["dataContract", "sampleData", "semanticLinking"]string[]It contains a list of all the fields to copy from the dependent to the depending component.