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Changelog 0.1.0


Changelog v0.4.0

[#532] Deployment support for tags and releases

New features and improvements

Improved the release process by adding a common CI for tags and releases.

Related issue

Closes #532

[#520] Reduce x-witboost-permissions header size

New features and improvements

  • Decreased header size by 49% on average by grouping permissions by their id
  • O(1) basic permissions lookup
  • O(N) resource permissions lookup

Related issue

Closes #520

[#488] Computational policies in multiple environments

New features and improvements

  • Add copy menu to Policies
  • You can use it to copy policies in the same environment or in other environments as well

Bug fixes

  • Fix Template page UI

Related issue

Closes #488

[#518] Standardize configuration management for internal deployments

New features and improvements

Redefined the approach we use to handle the deployments internally:

  • moved the values file to the external k8s repository to handle dev and demo environments' configurations;
  • removed the internal default values.yaml file to have all configurations in one place;
  • removed all the unused helm charts;
  • fetching the external values file and resolution against the secret manager (Vault);
  • removed the templating mechanism and directly leverage the values fields.

Related issue

Closes #518

[#493] Components tab disappears if no entities in the software catalog

New features and improvements

Persist initialKind filter in the select, even if no entries are available

Related issue

Closes #493

[#446] Add endpoint to store external notifications

New features and improvements

  1. This MR contains a new API to insert an informative notification:
POST /api/marketplace/notifications/informative

The request must contain a recipient field and a notification_request field. The notification_request field must comply with this schema

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"text": { "type": "string" },
"json": { "type": "object" },
"html": { "type": "string" }
"required": ["text"],
"additionalProperties": false
  1. This MR in the UI side, implements the display of informative notifications. The text field that should contain a descriptive overview, and if html and json fields are present they are formatted according to their format.

  2. This MR allows the sender to be notified if the notification has a status change Added the replyToSender parameter to the API for updating notification PATH /notifications/:id. If this parameter is true an informational notification is sent, so as to alert of the update. This allows for example to notify the sender when a notification of type AccessRequest is accepted or rejected.

Related issue

Closes #446

[#519] Revamp Template Page

New features and improvements

Revamp the template page UI, in particular:

  • restyle the templates page
  • add a custom icon taken from the repository
  • introduced an icon to display the template's documentation (if present)

Related issue

Closes #519

[#440] Refactor DP Graph Page

New features and improvements

Refactored the DP Graph Page to reflect the changes in the UI that handle sub-domains. In particular:

  • Added a tree view that let the user navigate the hierarchy in a filesystem-like way
  • Included a search bar for the tree-view panel
  • Added a settings section to change how connections work and to enable the connections heatmap
  • Integrate the new Graph visualization
  • Updated the queries to handle sub-domains

Related issue

Closes #440

[#523] EntitySelectionPicker works only with witboost type of ID

New features and improvements

EntitySelectionPicker now works with both types of IDs

Related issue

Closes #523

[#522] DP catalog not filtered by environment

New features and improvements

  • fix dp catalog graphql query
  • small ui align bug

Related issue

Closes #522

[#517] Fix RBAC metadata checking for builder permissions

Bug fixes

  • Fixed RBAC policy, preventing builder permissions to not be evaluated correctly
  • Added migration script for RBAC removing test data

Related issue

Closes #517

[#457] Doc table of contents not aligned with layout of the page

New features and improvements

Patch backstage techdocs plugin to fix style

Related issue

Closes #457 #505

[#521] Fix Marketplace migration

Bug fixes

Fixed Migration file 202209300000_init.js

Related issue

Closes #521

[#389] Handle hasura metadata migration

New features and improvements

Defined a way to export Hasura metadata from the internal environment. The definition was added to the tech docs so that installations in the customers' environments can import existing Hasura metadata instead of manually re-creating them.

Defined some rules to keep Hasura migrations updated when core changes are made to the Hasura settings.

Related issue

Closes #389

[#512] Marketplace Dependencies Graph broken

Bug fixes

  • Remove duplicate sources/consumers in the dependencies graph
  • Fix consumers' domain name

Related issue

Closes #512

[#507] Remove external_id constraint from OutputPort table

Bug fixes

  • Added migration to remove externa_id unique constraint

Related issue

Closes #507

New features and improvements

Removed techdocs direct links from search. Now UX is smoother since the users will look for Data Products in the search plugin and then open techdocs from their details page.

Related issue

Closes #508

[#506] EntityComponentsPicker filter on component type

New features and improvements

Implement filter by the type in the EntityComponentsPicker and upgrade the version of the rjsf to ^4.0.0

Related issue

Closes #506

[#462] UI minor issues

New features and improvements

Update catalog page breadcrumb inside Catalog table use data product instead of system

Related issue

Closes #462

[#503] fix backstage-app-config file

Bug fixes

Fix properties in ./k8s/values.deployment.yaml

Related issue

Closes #503

[#502] fix deploy authorization

Bug fixes

Fix authorization on API deploy and undeploy

Related issue

Closes #502

[#501] Remove Marketplace db constraints on some tables

Bug fixes

  • Removed (id_dataproduct, name) constraint from Component and OutputPort tables

Related issue

Closes #501

[#495] Add RBAC initialization script for local development

New features and improvements

  • Added some docs regarding RBAC internals
  • Added an initialization script for RBAC permissions for local development (more info in

Related issue

Closes #495

[#491] Insert Permission in builder API

New features and improvements

Enter the permission for the builder-backend API:

  • new_version
  • commit
  • publish
  • deploy
  • validate

Automatically insert the permissions in table permissions when they are added on the application side

Related issue

Closes #491

[#450] Observabilities instead of observabilitys

New features and improvements

  • Added "pluralize" library to make plural nouns

Related issue

Closes #450

Changelog v0.4.1

[#535] Fix code error for coordinator schema missing name

Bug fixes

Updated the variables name to be aligned to the updated schema name

Related issue

Closes #535

[#534] Fix coordinator schema name change

Bug fixes

Updated Hasura queries to support the new schema "coordinator".

Related issue

Closes #534

Changelog v0.4.2

[#551] Using empty uninitialized repo for data product creation

New features and improvements

Introduced a new field called already_initialized_repository_enabled that serves as a feature toggle on pushing into an empty repository. In order to turn the feature on, it is expected to update the templates with the steps -> Publish -> input.type field (which was not present before).

If you would like to push to the empty uninitialized or initialized repository but totally empty (without ANY file in it) you need to:

  1. Add already_initialized_repository_enabled: true in the integrations: section of the app-config.local.yaml like
already_initialized_repository_enabled: true
  1. You need to specify the type field inside all the template.yaml files of your templates. Example for data product templates:
- id: publish
name: Publish
action: witboostMeshComponent:publish:gitlab
allowedHosts: ['']
description: 'This is ${{ }}'
repoUrl: '${{ parameters.repoUrl }}'
rootDirectory: '${{ parameters.rootDirectory }}'
dataproduct: '${{ }}'
type: 'dataproduct'

Related issue

Closes #551

Changelog v0.4.3

[#553] Fix Integration url in action publish

Bug fixes

Retrieve the host for the gitlab provider from configuration (apiBaseUrl)

Related issue

Closes #553

Changelog v0.4.4

[#555] The integration values must not be hardcoded

Bug fixes

The integration host (gitlab, bitbucket ...) is used in some entity annotations. This PR use the value of the host (for gitlab) that we have in configuration, in such way works also in on-premise installation of gitlab where the host is custom (e.g

Related issue

Closes #555

Provisioning Coordinator

Changelog v0.3.0

[#133] Deployment support for tags and releases

New features and improvements

Improved the release process by adding a common CI for tags and releases.

Related issue

Closes #133

[#131] Delete unused test resource files

New features and improvements

Delete unused test resource files that are out-of-date and may lead to misunderstanding

Related issue

Closes #131

[#130] Standardize configuration management for internal deployments

New features and improvements

Files for internal deployments are now taken from an external repository. This is an approach that can be used in customer environments as well since it simplifies a lot of how configurations can be handled.

Related issue

Closes #130

Related issues

Closes #115

[#129] Logging format for dev and demo env

New features and improvements

Changed log format for dev and demo env

Related issue

Closes #129

Marketplace Plugin


[#35] Step dependencies hotfix

Bug fixes

Fixed a bug related to a wrong dependency between steps.

Related issue

Closes #35

[#34] Deployment support for tags and releases

New features and improvements

Improved the release process by adding a common CI for tags and releases.

Related issue

Closes #34

[#33] Standardize configuration management for internal deployments

New features and improvements

Files for internal deployments are now taken from an external repository. This is an approach that can be used on customer environments as well, since it simplifies a lot how configurations can be handled.

Related issue

Closes #33

[#32] Fix another edge case in deploy

Bug fixes

  • Added a test case for removing external_id UNIQUE constraint in the OutputPort table.

Related issue

Closes #32

[#31] fix a bug inside insertFromDataProduct method

Bug fixes

  • Added on_conflict param in Component, OutputPort and InputPort tables of insertFromDataProduct query

Related issue

Closes #31