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Changelog v1.3.0


Changelog v1.4.0

[WIT-978] Fix a bug on the undeploy button

Bug fixes

Fix the bug on the control panel Undeploy button visibility

Related issue

Closes WIT-978

[WIT-938] Removed progress loader on deploy button while undeploying

Bug fixes

Removed progress circles loader on the deploy button while undeploying.

Related issue

Closes WIT-938

[WIT-723] New table filters

New features and improvements

  • Create new table filters
  • Add variants for each filter (number, string, enum, async enum, date range)
  • Fix warning on tags table cell component
  • Update storybook

Related issue

Closes WIT-723

[WIT-948] values in scaffolding task

Bug fixes

  • task created from an EditTemplate will have among its task values updatedDate and modifiedByRef, while the task created by a standard template will continue to have creationDate and useCaseTemplateID

Related issue

Closes WIT-948

[WIT-939] Hide the tooltip of the test button if not hover

Bug fixes

  • do not show the tooltip of the test button if the mouse does not hover it

Related issue

Closes WIT-939

[WIT-944] Avoid retrieving descriptors when not needed

New features and improvements

The descriptors related to provisioning plans are no longer retrieved when not needed

Related issue

Closes WIT-944

[WIT-940] Prevent user to test if the descriptor is not loaded

Bug fixes

  • The user cannot run a test if the descriptor is still loading, even when changing the environment

Related issue

Closes WIT-940

[WIT-913] Add check to avoid error in CustomUrlPicker

Bug fixes

  • Added additional checks for selected values in validation

Related issue

Closes WIT-913

[WIT-878 FollowUp] Fixed no prefill pickers

Bug fixes

  • fix the case in which a task does not have any identifier among its parameters

Related issue

Closes WIT-878

[WIT-844] Define a platform code editor

New features and improvements

  • All editors now use monaco editor
  • CodeMirror is no longer in the dependencies of the project

Bug fixes

  • removed a front-end dependency from a common plugin

Related issue

Closes WIT-844

[WIT-905] Fix display values on the software catalog

Bug fixes

  • The software catalog now displays different columns based on the kind
  • sorting now trims values if they start with a " "
  • direction is set to be asc as default

Related issue

Closes WIT-905

[WIT-906] Fix an undefined version in creating snapshots

Bug fixes

  • An undefined version won't make witboost crash anymore

Related issue

Closes WIT-906

[WIT-878 FollowUp] show pickers correctly

Bug fixes

  • pickers are now shown correctly
  • improved query on tasks
  • improved loading progress bar if still not fetched pickers
  • improved title editor wizard if the entity is still undefined

Related issue

Closes WIT-878

[WIT-902] fix-dockerfile

Bug fixes

Fix Dockerfile to apply patches

Related issue

Closes WIT-902

[WIT-878 FollowUp] Patch editor wizard

New features and improvements

Minor fix on lowercase

Related issue

Closes WIT-878

[WIT-878] Feature/edit wizard improvements

New features and improvements

This MR contains general improvement on code/style/documentaion about customUrlPicker and Editor Wizard, in particular:

  • Improved the logic to display the edit icon on the model
  • fix on edit wizard merge logic

Related issue

Closes WIT-878

[WIT-837] Add autotests to check schema sla, dsa, and data preview

New features and improvements

  • updated autotest s9-2
  • revived autotest s5-3
  • revived autotest s5-5

Related issue

Closes WIT-837

[WIT-843] Make tags clickable in the marketplace

New features and improvements

  • Add a new common tag to reuse the same component in the whole app
  • Replace all tags with new ones
  • Improve UI of tags modal and pagination
  • Add link tags
  • Update storybook

Related issue

Closes WIT-843

[WIT-725] Create nonexisting groups in the Gitlab action

New features and improvements

The group (or its subgroups) specified in the User/Group field are created if they do not exist

Related issue

Closes WIT-725

[WIT-695] Blueprint check for failed steps

Bug fixes

A new step status check has been added for blueprints

Related issue

Closes WIT-695, WIT-698

[WIT-833] Create control center layout & config flag

New features and improvements

  • Add initial layout for control center page
  • Add a flag to enable/disable this section

Related issue

Closes WIT-833

[WIT-688] Create a new plugin for EULA

New features and improvements

  • Create the new "wb-documents" plugin
  • Create the migration script to initialize the db schema and tables
  • Initialize router
  • Create zod types
  • Create DocumentsService interface

Related issue

Closes WIT-688, WIT-689

[WIT-778, WIT-775, and WIT-776] Restyle of editor wizard

New features and improvements

  • Edit button now directly redirects to the Editor Wizard

  • Import button now directly redirects to Reverse Provisioning

  • Added WbDiffEditor to wb-platform

  • monaco editor is now initialized only once

  • updated documentation images

  • removed card Logs from processing step

  • changed button text from Edit to Editor Wizard, so it is clear to the user what that button is for. The text Edit could have been misleading and it duplicates the already present edit icon that redirects to git code

  • Changed edit icon to the wizard icon, because the edit icon is already present and redirects you to git code (the icon on the right)

  • changed also the icons and tooltip of the template list page

  • changed edit off icon to wizard off icon

  • changed comparison wizard step style

Related issue

Closes WIT-778 Closes WIT-775 Closes WIT-776

[WIT-671] CGP delete infrastructuresTemplateTags and useCaseTemplateTags on change

Bug fixes

When the Infrastructure template field changes, infrastructure tags are deleted and a new one is added.

Related issue

Closes WIT-671

New features and improvements

  • Changed the default typography
  • Updated the witboost logo

Related issue

Closes WIT-828

[WIT-710] Edit Wizard Documentation

New features and improvements

  • Add Public Section under User Manual -> Advanced -> Editor Wizard
  • Add Private Section under Platform -> Customizations -> Editor Wizard

Related issue

Closes WIT-710

[WIT-761] Refactor multistepjsonform and comparison step

New features and improvements

  • removed the button in the comparison step
  • restyled multi-step jsonform structure
  • added call to monaco editor initializer hook, that prevents CDN call and customizes the editor UI
  • now you can go back by directly clicking on a title step (or number) that is before the one you are currently on. Cursor also changes, to let the user know the action is enabled or not

Related issue

Closes WIT-761

[WIT-674] Add relations and graph to the entity page

New features and improvements

  • add relations graph to Template entity page
  • add relations graph to EditTemplate entity page
  • add a new pattern for pre/post processors
  • add relation between Templates and EditTemplates in the processor
  • updated error message if too many EditTemplates are associated with the same Template, and made it clickable to redirect to the template page to see all the relations

Related issue

Closes WIT-674

[WIT-680] Log view inside editor wizard page

New features and improvements

  • Added log view as a step of the Editor Wizard
  • Removed Editor Wizard references from the TaskPage component
  • Now the "Review and Create/Continue" view is an additional step of the template
  • Now the MultiStepJsonForm accepts an additionalSteps parameter for rendering custom steps
  • Moved the "Review and Create" in additional Steps

Related issue

Closes WIT-680

[WIT-701] refactoring feature

New features and improvements

  • add a header component, that is common between Editor Wizard and Reverse Provisioning Wizard comparison pages.
  • add a hook that initializes the diff editor with a custom theme.
  • refactor SaveDialog component and make it reusable between wizards.
  • add template method for processors

Related issue

Closes [WIT-701]

[WIT-675] Working edit icon in the template page

New features and improvements

  • if more than one EditTemplate points to the same useCaseTemplateId, this will be shown to the UI in the ScaffolderPage
  • if an EditTemplate correctly points to a single useCaseTemplateId, this will be shown in the UI in the ScaffolderPage
  • if more than one EditTemplate points to the same useCaseTemplateId, this will be shown to the UI in the EntityPage, when clicking on the Edit button
  • Refactored SeverityTooltip to accept a custom icon in input.
  • Added some custom icons in the platform plugin, like AutoFixHighIcon (magic wand), UploadIcon (for import button) and the EditOff icon.
  • the call to custom templates (reverse provisioning templates and edit templates) is made only one time when the Available templates are loaded, and not for every template registered.
  • added a file called errorMessages in the platform with some recurrent messages.
  • improved action buttons in comparison page

Related issue

Closes WIT-675

[WIT-673] New edit and import dialog

New features and improvements

  • new style of EditDialog and ImportDialog

Related issue

Closes WIT-673

[WIT-553] Merge process edit wizard

New features and improvements

  • Added merge operation for catalog info
  • Added steps in the editor wizard for comparing the two versions
  • Added copy, download and save operations

Related issue

Closes WIT-549, Closes WIT-553

[WIT-677] Take editor parameters from task

New features and improvements

  • parameters are now fetched from the creation task, in the action of fetch:template
  • add chain of responsibility for the EditTemplateProcessor in the preProcessEntity step.

Related issue

Closes [WIT-677]

[WIT-551] Prefill pickers with available parameters

New features and improvements

  • removed required key type under spec in the EditTemplate entity
  • put useTemplateParameterSchema hook in a separate file
  • fetch current task in the editor wizard context
  • add prefill pickers policy as strict, less_strict, no_strict

Behavior of prefilling pickers

The following are the checks that will be run in order of priority to prefill pickers

Scenario 1. Fetch parameters from witboost.parameters The first check will try to prefill pickers by parsing parameters persisted in the catalog-info file, under the key witboost.parameters. If no parameters are found there, go on with the next check

Scenario 2. Fetch parameters from creation task This second check will try to fetch parameters from the original creation task of the entity. In fact, creation parameters re-persisted in the scaffold action at creation time in the tasks table under the default schema. If parameters are filled in this way, a warning message is shown

Scenario 3. No parameters found If the previously 2 checks were not successfull, pickers will not be prefilled and a warning message is shown to the user

Prefill pickers Policy:

In app-config you can define a mesh.builder.scaffolder.editorWizard.prefillPolicy that can assume these values: strict, less_strict, no_strict (it defaults to no_strict if no value is provided): the first one will redirect the user to the entity page with a warning if Scenario 1 is not met. The second one will redirect the user to entity page only if pickers are leaved empty (scenario 1 and 2 not met). the last one will let the user go ahead even in scenario 3.

Related issue

Closes WIT-551, WIT-552

[WIT-547] Edit Wizard

New features and improvements

  • Modified the parameters for creating the NoForeignRootFields policy. This policy verifies that the fields of a root-level Entity are contained in a list of values passed to the constructor. We had to modify it to include the new witboost field.
  • Patched the Entity.Schema.json file to add the witboost field under the root. This schema is used to validate an Entity. You cannot inject the behavior by replacing the one defined on backstage (see CatalogBuilder#buildEntityPolicy), so it is necessary a patch.
  • Patched the processor file. This file verifies that the template used for scaffolding/api has a specific apiVersion and a specific kind. So it would not be possible to define a custom entity with particular apiVersion and kind values except by patching those checks:
    • Modified method findTemplate which is the method used by the /v2/templates/:namespace/:kind/:name/parameter-schema API to retrieve templates
    • Mofified isSupportedTemplate method that filters all templates that have a specific hardcoded apiVersion.
    • Modified runOneTask method that performs a check on the apiVersion.
    • Modified isValidTaskSpec method that performs a check on the apiVersion.
  • Cloned and overwritten the fetch:template action to allow to add parameters fields in the catalog-info.yaml. Also cloned the SecureTemplate and filters files. In This way, it is possible catch backstage updates on these files. Furthermore, the functions of these fields are not exported and cannot be reused in the fetch:template action.
  1. Generalized the reading of a catalog-info for any entity.
  2. Modify the template processor to verify that an edit-template exists in the git folder and if it is not already registered it automatically registers it.

Related issue

Closes WIT-547, WIT-548

[WIT-660] Separate the items to view and those to save

New features and improvements

  • Added the ui:fieldsToSave property to separate the value's properties to save from the ones to display in the drop-down list.
  • Redesigned UI for drop-down list

Related issue

Closes WIT-660

[WIT-520] Paginate provisioning plans

New features and improvements

  • Add pagination to deploys inside control panel
  • Integrate new API updates for version
  • Remove filters (completed, failed) due to incompatibility with new pagination feature
  • Disable all buttons during one operation

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug on action buttons which appears enabled if the user launch a deploy and then quickly refresh the page

Related issue

Closes WIT-520

[WIT-831] Update autotests for the QA environment

New features and improvements

The autotest will be updated to reflect the current situation in the QA environment.

Related issue

Closes WIT-831

[WIT-716] Fix cron month field range

Bug fixes

Fixed validation on the cron month field. Valid range: 1-12 (JAN-DEC)

Related issue

Closes WIT-716

[WIT-759] Added customization for the text field widget

New features and improvements

The 'multiline' prop, in a config template, transforms the text field into a text area. It's possible to define the number of rows with the 'rows' property.

Bug fixes

Now it's possible to define a maxLength property for every text field, to prevent errors when it contains too many characters.

Related issue

Closes WIT-759

[WIT-678] Display of all subdomains

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug when displaying all the subdomains of a parent domain.

Related issue

Closes WIT-678

[WIT-792] Sorting catalog table and filter kinds

New features and improvements

  • changed filter names in the kind selection into more readable names.

Bug fixes

  • Software catalog table now initially filters by name, and the arrow to sort now works as expected under name column

Related issue

Closes WIT-792, WIT-829

[WIT-766] Fix long URLs to be rendered outside of the containing box

Bug fixes

In the template wizard, when the text is too long, it goes out of bounds. Added CSS property 'word-break' to set line breaks

Related issue

Closes WIT-766

[WIT-756] Template wizard for url picker fix

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented long URLs to be inserted in the UrlPicker due to an app crash

Related issue

Closes WIT-765

[WIT-732] Entity picker for groups and users filtered based on current user

New features and improvements

Filter entities by current user ownership on:

  • Access request dialog (using mesh.marketplace.ui.accessControl.showOnlyUserOwnGroups)
  • Entity picker on schema template (using showOnlyUserOwnGroups as ui:option)

Related issue

Closes WIT-732

[WIT-772] Fix missing dependencies in the data product graph

Bug fixes

  • Updated the query that fetched the wrong elements.
  • Fixed the graph creation method that did not consider all the connections.

Related issue

Closes WIT-772

[WIT-756] Close the unregister entity dialog

Bug fixes

After clicking on the “Unregister” button in the window of the domain deleting, the window will be closed and the message about the error (because it couldn’t be deleted) will be displayed.

Related issue

Closes WIT-756

[WIT-631-FollowUp] Limit the number of items to select

New features and improvements

  • Added check for maxNumberToSelect also in the validation function for the Custom URL Picker.

Related issue

Closes WIT-631


New features and improvements

  • Added the possibility to limit the number of items to select in the Custom URL Picker (by adding maxNumberToSelect value in the template.yaml file).

Related issue

Closes WIT-631

[WIT-588] Add snapshot version on deployments

Bug fixes

In the data product deployments, the "version" property has been added to show the right version of the snapshot.

Related issue

Closes WIT-588

[WIT-731] From "DP" to "Data Product" label

Bug fixes

Changed "DP" label to "Data Product" label

Related issue

Closes WIT-731

[WIT-733] Flags should not be hidden even without GCP view or edit permissions

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users without view or edit permissions to view flags associated to resources in the Marketplace

Related issue

Closes WIT-733

[WIT-578] Schema picker definition

New features and improvements

Introduced three new layouts for templates:

  • ui:ArrayFieldTemplate: ArrayTableTemplate
  • ui:ObjectFieldTemplate: TableRowTemplate
  • ui:ObjectFieldTemplate: HorizontalTemplate

These layouts can be used to customize even further templates to improve the user experience.

We also revamped the template page to be more in line with our design system.

Related issue

Closes WIT-578 WIT-662

[WIT-721] Fix test scenario in suite 1t2

New features and improvements

Fix test 2 of the suit 1

  • add more checks to verify template card that has been added
  • fixed a selector for checking each of the cards

Related issue

Closes WIT-721

[WIT-582] Display Generic Fields For Marketplace Details Of Data Products

New features and improvements

  • First-level fields are now shown automatically for data products and output ports


When upgrading to this version, all fields appearing at root-level for both data products and output ports will be automatically shown to users of the marketplace. If you wish to hide some of them, you can list their paths with the excludeDescriptorPaths configuration property. Here there are some suggested configurations to start with:

- id
- kind
- name
- outputPortType
- useCaseTemplateId
- infrastructureTemplateId
- provisioningResult
- id
- kind
- email
- status
- version
- devGroup
- domainId
- ownerGroup
- dataProductOwner
- useCaseTemplateId
- infrastructureTemplateId
- dataProductOwnerDisplayName

Related issue

Closes WIT-582

[WIT-714-FollowUp] Call microservice each time we have a change in one dynamic field

Bug fixes

  • When a dependent field changes, the offset is set to 0 and the microservice is called again (in the Custom URL Picker).

Related issue

Closes WIT-714

[WIT-714] Call microservices each time we have a change in one dynamic field

New features and improvements

Call remote microservice every time a dynamic field has a change

Related issue

Closes WIT-714

[WIT-486] Add feature to block a domain unregistering when the domain is not empty

New features and improvements

  • Add a feature that blocks domain unregistering if the domain is not empty. A domain is not empty if the domain has a data product registered.
  • In the marketplace, if the data product has a null value in the domain column (for example if the domain was deleted) the string "Unassigned" will be displayed.
  • Clone UnregisterEntityDialog to our project

Upon attempting to unregister a location that contains a domain, you will be shown an error message.

Migration note

  • The feature is disabled by default, so there are no breaking changes. To enable it, set in app-config.yaml the following line:
disableNonEmptyDomainUnregister: true

as written in the documentation.

Related issue

Closes WIT-486

[WIT-704] UI docker image is not compatible with openshift

New features and improvements

This MR adds compatibility to OpenShift. The docker image is created by enforcing correct permissions that allow an arbitrary UID to start backstage.

Related issue

Closes WIT-704

[WIT-679] Fix alphabetical order in the table

Bug fixes

  • rows are now sorted correctly

Related issue

Closes WIT-679

[WIT-661] Make the endpoint of the microservice fully customizable

New features and improvements

Made the requests to the Microservice fully customisable for Custom URL Picker. This includes:

  • The possibility of defining the path for both the retrieval and validation requests in both configurations and template.yaml
  • The possibility of defining the method for both the retrieval and validation requests in both configuration and template.yaml

Related issue

Closes WIT-661

[WIT-684] Improving autotesting workflow

New features and improvements

  • Added more waits in the creating DP/OP process
  • Updated chomedriver up to 119.0.0 version
  • Suit 6 test 2 added a pause when opening a page to catch the number of notifications

Related issue

Closes WIT-684

[WIT-570] Allow Numbers In The Entities Names

New features and improvements

  • You can now use digits in a data product name

Bug fixes

  • The snapshot version was incremented in the wrong way when the data product name contained digits

Migration Notes

The description of the identifier fields in templates might be aligned to inform users that they can use numbers

Related issue

Closes WIT-570

[WIT-670] Make the marketplace display the escaped chars

Bug fixes

  • Removed microserviceConfiguration from app-config.yaml
  • Made the description field in the Marketplace accept new line chars

Related issue

Closes WIT-670

[WIT-621] Update tests for qa environment

New features and improvements

Update the auto-testing system to reflect the current position.

Related issue

Closes WIT-621

[WIT-657] Tags are not correctly displayed on the output port marketplace page

Bug fixes

In the marketplace output port page, the data is displayed even if tags are not defined.

Related issue

Closes WIT-657

[WIT-648] Make data product descriptor and version available for microfrontends in the output port page

New features and improvements

Version and descriptor of the data product are available in the marketplace for output port microfrontends.

Related issue

Closes WIT-648

[WIT-656] Search index frequency configurable

New features and improvements

You can now optionally configure some parameters regarding the frequency of the search index refresh process:,,

Related issue

Closes WIT-656

[WIT-654] Data Contract Editor changes column displayed values

Bug fixes

Removed the style transformation of column names in the data contract editor.

Related issue

Closes WIT-654

[WIT-649] Marketplace search index disables caching

New features and improvements

The marketplace search index was always using old (cached) data. The fix is to use DefaultOption no-cache in the ApolloClient backend side

Related issue

Closes WIT-649

[WIT-643] Resources are not shown

Bug fixes

Added a new RBAC rule to show resources when no domain is associated with them to all users, and only to users belonging to that domain when it is defined.

Related issue

Closes WIT-643

[WIT-642] Minor UI fixes

Bug fixes

Here is a list of minor fixes:

  • While opening a policy (or metric) in the edit, add, or test page, the name of the policy (metric) is now displayed in the title
  • On the marketplace detail page of the output port, the endpoint is now a single element of the general info widget
  • On the marketplace detail page, removed the border at the end of the first line
  • In the data product graph, the right panel does not display a fixed scrollbar anymore
  • The Infrastructure Template and Use Case Template are now clearable in the registry editor

Related issue

Closes WIT-642

[WIT-629] Fixed icon select error

Bug fixes

Fixed icon button for multi-select field

Related issue

Closes WIT-629

[WIT-641] Add a string conversion in the indexing mechanism

New features and improvements

Fixes Marketplace indexing for some Data Products

Related issue

Closes WIT-641

[WIT-640] Acceptance of special characters by the search field on the My Data Product page

Bug fixes

Replaced a regular expression checker with a simpler mechanism that allows special characters

Related issue

Closes WIT-640

[WIT-637] Do not display empty values for custom fields

New features and improvements

Do not display empty values for additional general info custom fields when they are empty.

Related issue

Closes WIT-637

[WIT-636-FollowUp] Inserting and deleting values in custom url picker skip the required validation

Bug fixes

  • Changed the check in case the CustomUrlPicker is a required field

Related issue

Closes WIT-636

[WIT-636] Inserting and deleting values in Custom URL Picker skip the "required" validation

Bug fixes

  • Fixed required bug on Custom URL Picker

Related issue

Closes WIT-636

[WIT-614] Problems with notifications

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the platform from inserting a notification if an uppercase letter was found inside the platform name

Related issue

Closes WIT-614

[WIT-591] Fix roles table in settings

Bug fixes

  • Both tables in settings Permission Table and Role Table along with their drawers now handle the case in which entity_ref is null in the table.

Related issue

Closes WIT-591, WS-339

[WIT-604] definition of done simplified

New features and improvements

Simplify the Definition of Done for the Merge Requests.

Related issue

Closes WIT-604

[#1427-FollowUp] Validation should not be performed if the list of selected values is 0

New features and improvements

  • Now the validation is not performed when the picker has no values selected
  • Fixed sync validation also for async pickers

[#1427-FollowUp] feature: other custom url picker refinements

Bug fixes

  • Removed ":" from the error of the retrieval API

[#1423] Error handling suit automation

New features and improvements

Tests added:

  1. Check errors with invalid DP descriptor, control panel, and deploy process
  2. Check errors in a invalid template file
  3. Check specific provisioner logs
  4. Checking errors during DP/component creation

Related issue

Closes #1423

[#1427] Other Custom URL Picker refinements

New features and improvements

  • Added 500 status code errors
  • Added dynamic header for drop-down list

Related issue

Closes #1427

[WIT-339] Fix the hint message on the cron field

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the hint message under cron fields to reflect that the Day of Week value has a range of 0-6 where 0 is Monday
  • Fixed cron preset labels

Related issue

Closes WIT-339

[WIT-571] Deactivate ReservedFieldsProcessor if not in config

Bug fixes

  • Deactivate ReservedFieldsProcessor if not in config
  • Fix crash

Related issue

Closes WIT-571

[WIT-491] Fix Error Log When Decoding Server To Server Token

New Features And Improvements

  • You can now optionally decide to include server 2 server requests inside the audit registry by setting backend.audit.skipServerToServerRequests to false

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the audit plugin to throw an error when calling parseEntityRef on a server 2 server token

Related issue

Closes WIT-491

[WIT-318] Fix microfrontend rendering problems

Bug fixes

Better explanation of how microfrontends should be implemented to avoid rendering problems. In particular, microfrontends should always define a seed for the generated class names so they don't collide with existing ones.

Related issue

Closes WIT-318

[WIT-557] Add error messages to unauthorized responses

Bug fixes

Add error messages to unauthorized responses.

Related issue

Closes WIT-557

[WIT-541] Convert output port tables

New features and improvements

  • Convert marketplace output port tables to new design
  • Add version column to data product builder catalog table

Related issue

Closes WIT-541

[WIT-319] Cannot test a cue engine policy

Bug fixes

The field errors in EvaluationResult is now optional

Related issue

Closes WIT-319

[WIT-542] Add lint-staged

New features and improvements

Added lint-staged and husky to dev dependencies: now, before any commit, the pre-commit hook will run the commands defined in the main file package.json under the lint-staged key.

Related Issue

Closes WIT-542

[#1424] Connect the Custom URL Picker to the validation API

New features and improvements

  • Added validation method for CustomUrlPicker
  • Refactored the multistep JsonForm to handle async methods for validation
  • Added an async validation boolean property inside DEFAULT_SCAFFOLDER_FIELD_EXTENTION array in order to indicate when a validation method is asynchronous or not
  • Added default limit value equal to 5
  • Removed method parameter from configuration and hardcoded it inside CustomUrlPicker and validation functions
  • Added X-API-Key header in CustomUrlPicker and validation functions
  • Added apiKey param in the app-config.yaml

Related issue

Closes #1424

[WIT-530] Add storybook

New features and improvements

  • Add storybook to show and document all witboost custom components. Improve reusability and maintainability and share knowledge.
  • Update theme with new colors

Related issue

Closes WIT-530

[WIT-526] Add token in catalog call and skip annotations if config not enabled

Bug fixes

During entity processor execution:

  • Add token in catalog call
  • Skip annotations if config not enabled
  • Fix docs

Related issue

Closes WIT-526

[WIT-529] User token passed instead of server token in notifications by event

Bug fixes

  • passing a server token to create a notification by event
  • new version's endpoint now passes a server token to create a notification by event

Related issue

Closes WIT-529

[#1360] Create components directly from the DP page

New features and improvements

Introduced the "Add" button on the data product page which redirects you to the scaffolder page(but also carries some data that prefills any template that you select). Introduced "submenu", when you click on the Add button, you are first shown all the template types available (output port, workload, storage) and then you are shown a few examples of those templates in the submenu(if there are no templates of that type, that type will not be shown at all)

Related issue

Closes #1360

[WIT-525] ErrorBox now handles new lines and tabs

Bug fixes

  • the error box now handles new lines and tab characters

Related issue

Closes WIT-525

[#1405] UpdateACL feedback

New features and improvements

  • Added a notification to inform data product owners and consumers of a failed/succeeded ACL request

Breaking changes

Added new mandatory config path:

  • actionHandlers.accessRequest.getExecutionPlanStatusUrl


  • actionHandlers.accessRequest.getExecutionPlanStatusUrl can be filled with http://localhost:8088/datamesh.provisioningcoordinator/v1/execution-plans/{{planId}}/status

Related issue

Closes #1405

[#1408] Default Environment sorting

Bug fixes

  • Set the environments order in the marketplace by priority

Related issue

Closes #1408

[WIT-334] Add Layers and Filters support

New features and improvements

Introduced a first attempt at the definition of filters and layers

Related issue

Closes WIT-334

[#1419] Pass token to the micro frontend

New features and improvements

The token is now passed to the micro frontend

Breaking changes

  • field microfrontendParameters is now called parameters as seen in the Microfrontend Example

Related issue

Closes #1419

[#1367] Insert in the governance/test/registry section a new graph regarding additional-selector

New features and improvements

Added additional filters selector in governance test registry section. Updated api integration: added body request to policy test api and metrics test api.

Related issue

Closes #1367

[#1291] Convert software catalog page to new design

New features and improvements

  • Convert software catalog page to new design
  • Convert my data products page to the new design
  • Move filters inside the card
  • Replace filters with custom ones to have the same UI
  • Handle sorting and filtering on the FE side (as it was previously)
  • Refactoring code to improve readability
  • Create a new component to avoid duplication
  • Improve table sorting

Related issues

Closes #1291 #1292

[WIT-241] Update witboost full docker-compose to version 1.2.1

New features and improvements

  • Updates full docker-compose file to witboost 1.2.1
  • Improves documentation on some points and adds some how-to parts.

Breaking changes

  • Sets specific-provisioner-path-prefix to v1, so previously registered infrastructure templates may be invalidated


  • Registered infrastructure templates maybe need to be modified to remove /v1 if present
  • Same migration as updating from 1.1.0 to 1.2.1

Related issue

Closes WIT-241

[#1369] Create selectors for the new design

New features and improvements

  • Add a new selector for the new WB design
  • Add a new selector to the governance page and create a policy wizard

Related issue

Closes #1369

[#1328] RBAC entity_ref and Backstage urn

New features and improvements

  • add constants to a separate file to use throughout the code.
  • imported catalogRules and modified methods hasSpec and hasMetadata to be case-insensitive
  • witboostRules are now case insensitive in the methods hasSpec and hasMetadata
  • entries in rbac.roles_subjects are sanitized before being passed into the permission middleware: all values in entity_ref are converted to lowercase and then duplicates are removed
  • hasAnnotation, hasLabel, are left case-sensitive
  • DP Graph does not duplicates domain values
  • infrastructure_template_id is leaved case sensitive due to coordinator requirements

Related issue

Closes #1328

[#1420] Introduce tags in the Markeplace

New features and improvements

The witboost search is now able to search for all DPs that have a certain tag, both in the marketplace and in the builder.

To search in the tags you need to put the exact value you would like to search for.

Related issue

Closes #1420

[#1410] Updating marketplace access control tests

New features and improvements

The marketplace access control suit will be updated and started to execute during test run

Related issue

Closes #1410

[#1422] Update Custom URL Picker configuration

New features and improvements

  • Renamed "customUrlPicker" configuration into "microserviceConfiguration"
  • Added method between configurations
  • Added the possibility to define url and method in the template.yaml file that will overwrite the ones defined in the configurations

Related issue

Closes #1422

[#1416] Governance fix for View or Edit entity permission

New features and improvements

  • add reusable component circle progress indicator in the platform
  • make use of usePermissions hook
  • add loader in CGP page
  • backend now handles CGP view permissions

Related issue

Closes #1416

Bug fixes

  • dp is now linked to builder page

Related issue

Closes #1411

[#1417] [WS-322] Domain sorting in the navigation panel

Bug fixes

  • domains in the navigation panel are now alphabetically sorted

Related issue

Closes #1417

[#1397] Resolve the pagination issue in RBAC table

New features and Improvements

  • refactored code
  • add warning to both permissions/roles table
  • add rbac view service to handle frontend requests

Bug fixes

  • permission table in settings now correctly displays values

Related issue

Closes #1397

[#1418] Update witboost configuration with custom URL picker config

New features and improvements

  • Updated configuration with Custom URL Picker

Related issue

Closes #1418

[#1413] Cannot change page in Marketplace > DP Catalog

Bug fixes

  • table now uses the correct count returned by the graphql query

Related issue

Closes #1413

[#1362] Implement infinite scrolling

New features and improvements

  • Implemented infinite scrolling mechanism for custom URL picker
  • Removed offset parameter from url config

Related issue

Closes #1362

[#1361] Test transition to a new environment

New features and improvements

Autotest system modified to test the QA environment

  • new test environment URL =
  • the report will be generated after testing this particular environment

Related issue

Closes #1361

[#1406] Tags on Domain/Subdomain

Bug fixes

  • metadata tags are added to about content along with the fqn tags
name: testDomain
- outputport234
- aws
- cdp
- impala
- tagFQN: ciao
- tagFQN: ciao 2

Related issue

Closes #1406

[WS-514] Optimize provisioning plan retrieval

New features and improvements

We are now preventing the Coordinator to send data product descriptors when getting provisioning plans, if they are not needed. This way we're saving memory both on the Coordinator and the Builder.

Related issue

Closes #514

[#1404] Reverse provisioning templates require domain

Bug fixes

  • ReverseProvisioningTemplate does not require the domain key anymore for RBAC.

Related issue

Closes #1404

[#1353] Define configuration for customerUrlPicker

New features and improvements

  • Added configuration handling for CustomUrlPicker component, the URL is moved from the template to the Witboost configuration

Related issue

Closes #1353

[#1401] Successful test should say success not completed

New features and improvements

  • The test panel now informs you about a successful test with "Success" instead of "Test completed"

Related issue

Closes #1401

[#1400]Access request status field does not display the correct status

Bug fixes

  • Fixed circle display error

Related issue

Closes #1400

[#1399] Documentation types in use case creation

Bug fixes

  • Fixed some typos in templates documentation

Related issue

Closes #1399

[#1398] Data product description

Bug fixes

  • description in AboutCard now handles /n


description: |
This is a multiline

string using the literal

block scalar.

Related issue

Closes #1398

[#1382] Edit Metadata and different branches in bitbucket

Bug fixes

  • patched @backstage/integrations: bitbucket server integration now correctly resolves edit url

Related issue

Closes #1382

[#1395] Alphabetical order inside Catalog

Bug fixes

  • Catalog page now displays entities in alphabetical order based on the Name column

Related issue

Closes #1395

[#1396] Bad formatted JWT makes backend crash

Bug fixes

  • audit middleware now correctly handles bad formatted jwt token

Related issue

Closes #1396

[WIT-211] Reference external hierarchies

New features and improvements

  • Reference other hierarchies by using a special classRef format: <hierarchy-name>/<class-name>

Related issue

Closes WIT-211

[#1378] Add search input

New features and improvements

Add search for data contracts graph

Related issue

Closes #1378

[#1384] RBAC tables not loaded in Settings

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the huge filters list that were sent to RBAC backend from UI
  • Moved RBAC tables pagination to backend
  • Moved RBAC tables filtering to backend

Related issue

Closes #1384

[#1387] Data Product owner show feature

New features and improvements

Added realDpApproving flag to enable the approvals to be taken from the actual readers in the builder.

Related issue

Closes #1387

[#1388] Disable "Request for approval" button if no changes are made on form

New features and improvements

Now, on the data contract page, the button Request for approval is disabled if no changes are made in the form(hence, there is nothing to be committed)

Related issue

Closes #1388

[#1378] Add a white border on warning and error icons

New features and improvements

Add a highlight on hover for the data contract blocks

Related issue

Closes #1378

[#1386] CustomUrlPicker refinements

Bug fixes

  • Decreased the delay for debounce search
  • Added a check for the response status
  • Modified the error message in case of not resolved dependecy

Related issue

Closes #1386

[#1378] Data contract settings

New features and improvements

  • Introduced a new style for the data contract page.
  • Changed the configurations needed to set it up.
  • Added a new card for Data Contract Settings.

Related issue

Closes #1378

[WIT-132] Fix task status after execution plan timeout

Bug fixes

  • The provisioning plan panel now supports the TERMINATED status
  • The provisioning plan task visualization order is now aligned with that communicated by the Coordinator

Related issue

Closes WIT-132

[#1378] Fix for a missing check for data contracts

Bug fixes

Fix an error that prevented data contracts without warnings from opening their details.

Related issue

Closes #1378

[#1378] Data contracts chart

New features and improvements

Added a new "Data Contracts" page.

Related issue

Closes #1378

[#1385] Unsafe Advanced Search toggle not working

New features and improvements

The old feature of useHttpsSearchUnauthorized seems to be removed. I am bringing back the configuration option hoping that it will fix the bug.

Related issue

Closes #1385

[WIT-202] Add filters panel in the ontology graph

New features and improvements

  • Add filters panel in the ontology graph
  • Changed ontology graph styling

Related issue

Closes WIT-202

[#1378] Data Contracts editor page

New features and improvements

  • Added editor for Data Contract
  • Added editor for SLA
  • Added editor for Data Sharing Agreements
  • Added card for Data Quality
  • Improved Schema Card
  • Added card as a fallback if any of the above properties are missing in the catalog-info file
  • Added Approvals card that shows users' approvals
  • Each element inside Approvals is mocked, and every 2 seconds, randomly, a user approves the request and changes its Progress icon to Ok icon
  • Added Request for Approval button that sends the mocked approval request
  • The Request for Approval button also pushes changes made in the editor to the repo's catalog-info, along with the array of users that approved the data contract
  • Added enableApprovals under mesh.builder in the app-config: if true, everything described above happens, while if false, the button is named Save (instead of Request for Approval) and no Approvals Card will be shown, it only pushes changes to the catalog-info, without approvals array
  • At the end of the process, a notification is shown


  • enableSchemaEditor in app-config.yaml is renamed to enableDataContractEditor
  • route of the data contract editor is now .../data-contract-editor instead of .../schema-editor

Related issue

Closes #1378

[#1381] Modify EntitySelectionPicker to handle data types different from strings

New features and improvements

  • EntitySelectionPicker can resolve array and object values inside of it.

Related issue

Closes #1381

[#1379] Fix selection and loading errors in Custom URL Picker

New features and improvements

  • Updated dynamic field documentation
  • Added warning message for missing dynamic field resolution
  • Reduced the number of calls to the Microservice (avoided to perform a call every time the form changes)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed drop-down list update and selection

Related issue

Closes #1379, #1377

[WIT-203] Make panels collapsible in ontology panel

New features and improvements

Make panels collapsible in the ontology panel

Related issue

Closes WIT-203

[#1354-FollowUp] Add the function to customUrlPicker to retrieve dynamic fields

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Alert API throwing an error in case of special characters

[#1354] Add the function to customerUrlPicker to retrieve dynamic fields

New features and improvements

  • Added dynamic field management in Custom URL Picker. Now it is possible to put dynamic fields in arrays and objects.
  • Added reset mechanism when the dependent field changes
  • Added better error handling

Related issue

Closes #1354, #1375

[WIT-179] Add instructions to run a full Witboost environment on Docker

New features and improvements

  • Added instructions to run a full Witboost environment on Docker.

Related issue

Closes WIT-179

Changelog v1.4.1

[WIT-1003] Focus change during template completion

Bug fixes

  • Changed how the Stepper works when selecting a step by removing the default animation and scrolling automatically to the selected step component

Related issue

Closes WIT-1003

[WIT-1021] Add content type to the request call in custom url picker

New features and improvements

  • Added content-type in the header of the retrieval and validation API of the Custom URL Picker.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1021

[WIT-980] Fix reserved fields processor crashing when duplicate has no previous annotations

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the ReservedFieldsProcessor would crash if trying to remove a duplicate with no previous annotations

Related issue

Closes WIT-980

[WIT-985] Add description tooltip in tags

New features and improvements

  • WbTags now shows description on mouse hover, instead of the tagFQN again

Related issue

Closes WIT-985

[WIT-1010] Template editor does not crash with no input

Bug fixes

  • Template Editor is not crashing anymore when no input is provided

Related issue

Closes WIT-1010

[WIT-941] Environment priority now correctly works

Bug fixes

  • priority in the marketplace updated: fixed the sorting function that evaluated incorrectly the priority if it was 0, and changed the condition for which to set the new environment
  • in a new session, it is set the higher priority environment in the session variable
  • if the user then switches the environment to a non-priority env, and refreshes the page without losing the session, the previous env will be set, disregarding priorities.

Related issue

Closes WIT-941

[Closes WIT-987] Fix Typos and docs for editor wizard

Bug fixes

  • fixed some typos
  • updated docs

Related issue

Closes WIT-987 Closes WS-362

[WIT-990] Dots should be among the allowed characters

Bug fixes

  • Reintroduced dots among allowed chars

Related issue

Closes WIT-990

[WIT-858] Rbac entity_ref for entities having hyphens in metadata name not working

New features and improvements

  • Added a check when importing a new domain that prevents domain URNs conflicts

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented URNs of domains from containing hyphens

Related issue

Closes WIT-858

[WIT-984] Unable to register a component, i.e. op using a template

Bug fixes

  • Fixed mono repo creation

Related issue

Closes WIT-984

Changelog v1.4.2

[WIT-1019] Improve logging errors in GitLab

Bug fixes

  • Gitlab errors for the function getProjectId are more meaningful now
  • Fixed getProjectSlug function of gitlab, and added related tests

Related issue

Closes WIT-1019

Changelog v1.4.3

[WIT-1065] Remove react dependency in backend

Bug fixes

  • Import @apollo/client/core instead of @apollo/client, since the latter one contains frontend plugins that cannot be present in backend

Related issue

Closes WIT-1065

[WIT-750] Block the unregistering of data products that are present in the marketplace

New features and improvements

  • You can enable blocking the unregister process if the location you are unregistering contains data products that are in the marketplace. To do so, set the configuration:
disableDeployedDataProductUnregister: true

Related issue

Closes WIT-750

Changelog v1.4.4

[WIT-1076] Additional check of entity existence in block domain unregistering method

Bug fixes

  • Check that the entities related to the unregistering domains exists

Related issue

Closes WIT-1076

[WIT-1016] Fix bug on microfrontend loading

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug with Microfrontends do not load properly when the page is on the marketplace menu. The bug seems related to multiple wrong scripts appending on the DOM head.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1016

Changelog v1.4.5

[WIT-1143] Regression fix enumNames field in the template

Bug fixes

  • Fix behavior of SelectWidget when enumNames property was specified that was not matching the related value with the allowed ones

Related issue

Closes WIT-1143

[WS-373] RegexPicker does not show a placeholder

Bug fixes

  • Fix behavior of the regex picker not showing a placeholder with the given config:
title: Timeliness
type: string
description: How much time it takes to update data
ui:placeholder: 'E.g., 5 minutes, 1 hour'
ui:field: RegexPicker
errorMessage: 'Value should be a valid time period (e.g., 5 minutes, 2 days)'
regularExpression: >-
flags: i

Related issue

Closes WS-373

Changelog v1.4.6

[WIT-1187] Added custom themes injection in helm

New features and improvements

Custom themes can now be injected in witboost backend UI by specifying the name of an already present ConfigMap containing the content of the theme files itself

A config map with the themes file can be created as follows:

kubectl create configmap custom-themes --from-file=customPalette.json --from-file=customOverrides.json

Changelog v1.4.7

[WIT-1213] Add authentication to the scaffolder endpoints

New features and improvements

Added authentication to all the scaffolder endpoints (task retrieval, integration list, action list, task details, template parameter schema, dry run, scaffold, and stream logs).

Related issue

Closes WIT-1213

Changelog v1.4.8

Bug fixes

Fix the AuthMiddleware by making the cookie token extraction follow the same rules of the bearer token.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1221

Changelog v1.4.9

[WIT-1229] Make the catalog processing interval configurable

New features

  • With the new mesh.catalog.processingIntervalSeconds you can now configure how often the repositories are read to update the entities.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1229

Changelog v1.4.10

[WIT-1245] Make the tags displayed field configurable

New features and improvements

Introduced a new configuration that enables the platform team to configure which fields should be used to display the values of tags (generic tags and schema tags).

Related issue

Closes WIT-1245

Provisioning Coordinator

Changelog v1.3.0

[WIT-827] Allow retrieval of all executionPlan for a specific version or also for snapshot

New features and improvements

This MR adds the possibility of defining the include-snapshot value as a query params of the API /v1/provisioningplan. This parameter is a boolean and allows you to recover not only the specified version but also the related snapshots.

Related issue

Closes WIT-827

[WIT-773] Fixed dependency vulnerabilities

Breaking changes

Forced circe dependency since binary compatible:,Compatibility,-This%20release%20is

Updated Jackson dependency

Updated Jackson databind version

Related issue

Closes WIT-773

[WIT-750] Make /resolve environment parameter optional

New features and improvements

Make /resolve environment parameter optional

Related issue

Closes WIT-750

[WIT-777] Improve scheduler task errors handling

New features and improvements

Improved error handling in case of failed or timed out execution plan tasks

Related issue

Closes WIT-777

[WIT-774] Improve data catalog plugin configuration

New features and improvements

When the data-catalog-provisioning configuration is enabled, is no longer mandatory to configure the data catalog plugin for all the environments

Related issue

Closes WIT-774

[WIT-702] Improvements response in provisionerAsyncHttp and Yaml encode

New features and improvements

  • Insert logs in SpecificProvisionerAsyncHttpTask when executionStatus is Failed. Logs can help the user understand what went wrong

Bug fixes

  • using a property splitLines = false when we transform in Yaml. This way we avoid interruptions when we reach the maximum length (default 80 characters on a line). This allows you to keep the resource in output unchanged. Additionally, this is handled by inserting a character \at the end of the line and the beginning of the next. This causes a bug in cue policy, because the escape character does not fall into a sequence recognized by the cue interpreter

Related issue

Closes WIT-702

[WIT-676] Ignore task state modifications after execution plan termination

Bug fixes

  • Modifications to a task state, after the parent execution plan is terminated, are now ignored

Related issue

Closes WIT-676

[WIT-583] Normalize descriptor before cue eval

Bug fixes

  • cue now correctly evals descriptors that have accented letters, by normalizing them before evaluating

Related issue

Closes WIT-583 , WS-327

[WIT-623] Fix randomly failing unit tests on CGP

Bug fixes

Fixed some unit tests on CGP that were causing CI/CD pipelines to randomly fail

Related issue

Closes WIT-623

[WIT-340] Vulnerabilities Fix

Bug fixes

  • Fixed vulnerability affecting org.apache-commons.text by upgrading it to 0.10.0
  • Fixed vulnerability affecting cue by upgrading it to 0.6.0

Related issue

Closes WIT-340

[WIT-522] Handle API errors on external policy evaluation

Bug fixes

  • API errors on external policy evaluations are now handled instead of throwing an exception

Related issue

Closes WIT-522

[WIT-339] Fix monday "day of the week" value on cron expressions

Bug fixes

  • Updated the CGP interface specification to reflect that the Day of Week value has a range of 0-6 where 0 is Monday
  • Updated the cron expression validator to reflect that the Day of Week value has a range of 0-6 where 0 is Monday

Related issue

Closes WIT-339

[WIT-319] Cannot test a cue engine policy

Bug fixes

The cue script that is generated during preprocessing to define component policies, is created using yaml encoding but using a json in the body.

Therefore in the case in which a yaml field contains something like this:

description: "proof test"

the resulting JSON is

"description": ""proof test""

and the result cue script will be:

import "encoding/yaml"

_data: yaml.Unmarshal(
"description": "\"proof test\""

This syntax for cue is not correct, the escape \" can only be used inside a double quote, here we are enclosing everything in a triple quote. The error that cue raises is:

_data: error in call to encoding/yaml.Unmarshal: :1: did not find expected ',' or '}':

The real problem is that we use a yaml.Unmarshal with a Json, instead the right way is to use yaml.Unmarshal with a yaml.

Related issue

Closes WIT-319

[WIT-370] Validation errors at deploy time even validation itself is ok

New features and improvements

  • Defined an index on the status field of the execution_plan table to optimize the dangling execution plan cleanup routine
  • Optimized the workflow engine execution logic

Bug fixes

  • Fixed overlapping task executions on the workflow engine
  • Fixed the misalignement between runtime task status and persisted task status

Related issue

Closes WIT-370

[WIT-317] Fix execution plan status after app restart

New features and improvements

  • When the sync validation operation, run before the execution of a deployment plan, exceeds the timeout, it throws a meaningful error
  • Restored configuration provisioning-coordinator.synchronous-validation-timeout
  • Removed some deprecated and unused configurations
  • Improved logging and errors for debugging purposes

Bug fixes

  • Dangling execution plans are now terminated during application startup. This cleanup routine is activated by the new provisioning-coordinator.terminate-dangling-plans-at-startup configuration (default: true)

Related issue

Closes WIT-317

[WIT-146] Receive Additional Filters For A Governance Entity Test

New features and improvements

You can now supply additional filters when testing a policy or a metric. Fill in a body in the request as follows:

"filters": [
"description": "whatever",
"path": "domain",
"values": ["finance"]

Breaking changes

The body for any request flowing through POST /metrics/{id}/test or POST /policies/{id}/test is mandatory due to some technical limitations we have with our API generator. Hence, also the UI that contacts the test endpoint should be updated accordingly (even by sending an empty body just for letting it work)

Related issue

Closes WIT-146

[WS-317] Make descriptor kinds configurable

New features and improvements

  • Added possibility to set the admitted kinds by using configurations (supported-kinds)

Related issue

Closes #519

[WIT-314] Restore backward compatibility on deployInfo field

Bug fixes

The backward compatibility with the deployInfo field returned into the provisioning status response by specific provisioners with old interfaces is restored.

Related issue

Closes WIT-314

[WIT-304] Prevent task descriptors retrieval when not necessary

New features and improvements

Since provisioning plan task descriptors can be very large, a flag has been introduced on operations working with provisioning plans, to not load task descriptors from the database when not strictly necessary. This will optimize memory usage and response times.

Related issue

Closes WIT-304

[#517] Fixed execution plan tasks order

Bug fixes

  • Added a fixed order for independent tasks

Related issue

Closes #517

[WS-301] Follow-up: Improve test execution

New features and improvements

Improved test execution after the fix to the execution plan status

Related issue


[WS-301] Prevent plan transition to final status before its tasks

Bug fixes

Prevented the plan transition to a final status (e.g. FAILED) while some of its tasks are still running.

Related issue


[WIT-297] Update the data catalog openapi specification

New features and improvements

  • Added ADR for OpenAPI versioning (specific provisioners and data catalog)
  • Aligned the Data Catalog OpenAPI specification to error handling and provisioning logs

Related issue

Closes WIT-297

[WS-305] Optimize provisioning state endpoint responses

New features and improvements

Introduced a flag on endpoints used to retrieve provisioning plans that can be used to prevent returning data product descriptors. When descriptors are not needed this configuration could optimize the Coordinator memory usage and the response size.

Related issue

Closes #514

[WIT-262] Optimize cgp policy stats query

New features and improvements

Optimized the query used to retrieve the top failed policies

Related issue

Closes WIT-262

[WIT-242] Define execution context for policy evaluations

Bug fixes

Defined a Cached Thread Pool for policy evaluations in order to avoid thread starvation

Related issue

Closes WIT-242

[WIT-242] Optimize CGP db transactor config

New features and improvements

  • The CGP db transactor now uses three different execution contexts for acquiring db connections, executing db transactions and handling blocking operations
  • Since Doobie disables JDBC autocommits to manage transactions, the autocommit settings in the Hikari pool configs has been set to false. This way HikariPool will not reset the default value (true) every time a connection is released by Doobie (performance improvement)

Related issue

Closes WIT-242

[#512] Fix validation plan completion condition

Bug fixes

Fixed sync validation plan completion condition

Related issue

Closes #512

[WIT-131] Fix task status after execution plan termination

New features and improvements

  • Is now possibile to configure the scheduler timeout (30 minutes by default) through config provisioning-coordinator.scheduler-execution-timeout
  • Coordinator and Mock Specific Provisioner are now always packaged (and deployed in Dev) at every version change, in order to simplify the compatibility matrix

Bug fixes

  • When an execution plan hits the timeout, its status and the status of all the tasks that are not completed (or failed) is set to Terminated
  • Fixed scheduler that does not stop the execution plan when /terminate API is called
  • The zoned date time of logs received by specific provisioners is now converted to UTC before being persisted

Related issue

Closes WIT-132, WIT-131

[WIT-178] Fix validation tasks status

Bug fixes

  • Specific Provisioner API: The /v2/validate (async validation) request body is now aligned with that of the /v1/validate (sync validation)
  • The default value of the provisioning-coordinator.specific-provisioner-path-prefix config, is now consistent with that declared in the documentation (i.e. empty value)
  • The different validation tasks (CGP validation, Specific Provisioner validation) now behave in the same way when communicating their final status. This solves a visual inconsistency in the Control Panel when reading validation results.

Related issue

Closes WIT-178, WS-298

Marketplace Plugin

Changelog v1.3.0

[WIT-651] Removed new line chars from all the fields in the descriptor

Bug fixed

  • Escaped all the new line chars from all the fields while converting the descriptor in Hasura query

Related issue

Closes WIT-651