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Changelog v1.5.0


Changelog v1.6.0

[WIT-1718] EntitySelectionPicker wrong behaviors

Bug fixes

Fixed two bugs on the EntitySelectionPicker:

  • allow the picker to use also witboost URNs as it was before the changes
  • display the empty message when no value is selected

Also fixed an error that prevented the user from using boolean pickers with the "ui:widget: select" option.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1718

[WIT-1526] Create initial recipient types for system developers and consumer systems owners

New features and improvements

  • Create recipient types: SystemDeveloper, ConsumerSystemsOwners
  • Add a parameter to extract the relation in the query and route
  • Add some tests

Related issue

Closes WIT-1526

Bug fixes

  • validation gateway task is now correctly linked
  • removed the right row menu in the releases list
  • test button is now disabled when an async validation is still running
  • running test icon is now spinning clockwise
  • fixed the pagination in the old control panel

Related issue

Closes WIT-1474, WIT-1726

[WIT-1517] Create the notification preferences service

New features and improvements

  • Added the notification preferences service and its persistence layer

Related issue

Closes WIT-1517

[WIT-1719] Make the multiselect component available in the table layout

Bug fixes

Made the multi-selector available in the table layout

Related issue

Closes WIT-1719

[WIT-1711] Fix the undeploy button

Bug fixes

Shows the 'Undeploy' button enabled when the release is deployed or a draft release is deployed

Related issue

Closes WIT-1711

[WIT-1707] Error in the notifications

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that allowed notifications of access request/response to have a list of objects in the body

Related issue

Closes WIT-1707

[WIT-1681] Add empty release table placeholder

New features and improvements

  • Update the table component to include a custom No Data component
  • Update release table with custom No data component and New draft release action button
  • Hide the new draft release button on the release page card when the table is empty

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug on Structure editor page scroll

Related issue

Closes WIT-1681

[WIT-1703] Fix inconsistent validation results in the test panel

Bug fixes

  • non-executed governance entities are now considered as failed in the test panel, in accordance with the CGP specification

Related issue

Closes WIT-1703

[WIT-1692] Fix descriptor shown in release details

Bug fixes

  • correctly fetch the right descriptor in the release details page
  • editor and release tab made as default

Related issue

Closes WIT-1692

[WIT-1705] TechDocs broken path

Bug fixes

  • Fixed broken links for techdocs on the templates page

Related issue

Closes WIT-1705

[WIT-1680] Handle deployment status inside the release detail page

New features and improvements

  • Add new deployment status API
  • Add deployment status badge inside release detail card
  • Disable the undeploy all button if the release is not currently deployed in the selected environment

Related issue

Closes WIT-1680

[WIT-1670] Minor fixes on the provisioning panel

Bug fixes

Resolved some minor bugs in the provisioning flow

Related issue

Closes WIT-1670

[WIT-1660] Add new Scrollable component

New features and improvements

  • Add a new scrollable component

Related issue

Closes WIT-1660

[WIT-1497] Add new ACL API for data access in the settings page

New features and improvements

  • new API in the marketplace backend

Bug fixes

  • the get ACL Request API now takes as query params also the environment and the instance so that in the Users And Groups tab in the Access Control tab of the marketplace, it filters by the right values and it does not show all the entries anymore
  • fixed an error that prevented the marketplace overview page of a system from being opened, if the coordinator was down

Related issue

Closes WIT-1497, WIT-1627

[WIT-1626] Merge property resolver into entity selection picker

New features and improvements

  • Now the EntitySelectionPicker has the capability of mapping a source entity selected by another picker in the ui:fieldName to a custom object defined in the mapTo parameter.
  • mapTo can also take the whole entity by setting it with "." (dot).

Related issue

Closes WIT-1626, WIT-1623

[WIT-1609] Add methods to CatalogExtensionClient

New features and improvements

  • Add new methods to retrieve relations and owners
  • Refactor some names and types

Related issue

Closes WIT-1609

[WIT-1655] Refinements for new deploying experience

New features and improvements

  • removed the search bar and added the component title
  • hide the control panel if the Editor is active and vice versa
  • tooltip on undeploy to specify to go on the latest snapshot to undeploy
  • after updating the draft release in the editor, the descriptor is now refreshing
  • disabled deploy all and undeploy all buttons in the old deployed releases
  • changed header in the release detail page, from ACTION to LATEST ACTION
  • improved log viewer for JSON format
  • shrunk column headers in the release detail page of the last provisioning, giving more space for the process column
  • when fetching plans for releases, remove the include snapshots flag otherwise plans for old snapshots are returned too
  • solved bug when opening the validation drawer if a provisioning plan does not have policies or metrics

Related issue

Closes WIT-1655

[WIT-1614] Improve icon size and add validation test banner

New features and improvements

  • Add validation test drawer with error/warning message
  • Add descriptor drawer
  • Improve icon size
  • Fix bug on wrong latest provisioning
  • Remove the bug step on undeploy since it does not contain a validation gateway task

Related issue

Closes WIT-1614

[WIT-1043] Automate tests to check the template editor feature

New features and improvements

Added new test suit which contains two tests:

  • check general points of the editing
  • check using editor wizard and editing workflow

Related issue

Closes WIT-1043

[WIT-1567] Create the notification dispatcher

New features and improvements

  • Added notification dispatcher
  • Added notification subscription manager

All complementary classes to support the main functionality of the dispatcher and the subscription manager

Related issue

Closes WIT-1567

[WIT-1600] Change the home page for non-developer users

New features and improvements

  • Added a new configuration to change the default home page for users
  • Made the pages and menu entries of the builder not shown in case there are no permissions for them

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the possibility of hiding the Mesh Supervision page by using the mesh.ui.marketplace.meshSupervision.enabled configuration

Related issue

Closes WIT-1600

[WIT-1566] Empty space in edit wizard

Bug fixes

Remove blank space when a picker is set as ‘hidden' in an EditTemplate

Related issue

Closes WIT-1566

[WIT-1552] Inject the requester entity descriptor into the access control dialog

New features and improvements

  • Injected the requester raw Entity in the context while requesting access to a resource

Related issue

Closes WIT-1552

[WIT-1536] Create SystemRelationsProcessor to add developer relation

New features and improvements

  • SystemRelationsProcessor now emits new relation wb-isDevelopedBy and wb-isDeveloping between the system and its development group

Bug fixes

  • Remove deprecated libraries from the processor

Related issue

Closes WIT-1536

[WIT-1558] Improve Horizontal and Table Layouts

New features and improvements

  • Handled the description of cells in the table layout by putting them in the column headers
  • Made the horizontal layout handle correctly the conditional elements (allOf/if)
  • Display and hide the title/description of objects (also horizontal layout) using a configuration
  • Horizontal layout elements now also have a minWidth parameter that can be used to define how many elements could be displayed per row without going into a new line
  • Fixed the possibility of using the CustomURLPicker inside the conditional elements (allOf/if)

Related issue

Closes WIT-1558, WIT-1559, WIT-1562, WIT-1563, WIT-1564, WIT-1565, WIT-1560

[WIT-1391] Add the release detail page

New features and improvements

  • Add new release detail page
  • Add navigation on the release table row click

Related issue

Closes WIT-1391

[WIT-1366] Fix Domain Deletion Bug

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an error that was thrown when the domain was not found

Related issue

Closes WIT-1366

[WIT-1551] Enable entity picker to filter entities based on other field values

New features and improvements

  • Introduced PropertyResolver picker used to resolve the attribute value of an object of another picker.

Bug fixed

  • Fixed a bug when the EntityPicker has the storeRawEntity props to true and the EntitySelectionPicker is not able to resolve the value.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1551

[WIT-1554] Add chip for old deployed versions

New features and improvements

  • added chip for old deployed versions under the deployment status in the release page
  • Added link to release deployment status chip when a deployed version is different from last release or snapshot
  • the API GET /releases now returns releases even if the coordinator is down
  • fixed key indexes
  • added tooltips to update and promote release buttons

Related Issue

Closes WIT-1554

[WIT-1596] Patch info should be inside hookInfo instead of hook_response

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the PATCH endpoint of action handler that prevented hookInfo to be updated properly

Related issue

Closes WIT-1596

[WIT-1042] Automate tests to check the additional filter in the test menu of the policy

New features and improvements

  • Added step to check additional filter feature at the test menu of the policy

Related issue

Closes WIT-1042

[WIT-1589] Adjust patch base URL example in docs

New features and improvements

  • Improved remote request hooks docs

Bug fixes

  • Fixed config section of remote request hook

Related issue

Closes WIT-1589

[WIT-1403] Deploy Storybook

New features and improvements

  • Storybook deployment

Related issue

Closes WIT-1403

[WIT-1554] Add missing versions to the releases page

New features and improvements

  • The releases endpoint now also returns the old releases not present in the catalog, aggregated in the one present in the catalog. For example, if in the catalog I am at version 0.24 but I have deployed the 0.24-SNAPSHOT-1 in the past, the API will return the following object, where the deploy version mismatches the version of the release entity
  • add special sorting for versions and by default order by the most recent one
  • add tests

Bug fixes

  • fixed small issue of parsing of query params for the new coordinator APIs

Related issue

Closes WIT-1554

New features and improvements

  • Implemented the new editor tab logic for the available buttons

Related issue

Closes WIT-1548

[WIT-1586] Improve the getting started file

Bug fixes

  • Add the missing installation step to the getting started file
  • Change the environment name in the marketplace dump to lowercase

Related issue

Closes WIT-1586

[WIT-1390] Add release page

New features and improvements

  • Added the new release page

Related issue

Closes WIT-1390

[WIT-1055] Enable env vars creation from all secrets

New features and improvements

  • It won't be necessary anymore to specify one by one secret's field that we are willing to import

Related issue

Closes WIT-1055

[WIT-1570] Fix wb-events-common package definition

Bug fixes

  • Merged events common plugin into events backend to solve a dependency issue

Related issue

Closes WIT-1570

[WIT-1571] Added documentation for extraEnv parameter in UI helm chart

New features and improvements

Documentation for the extraEnv Helm Chart parameter has been added

Related issue

Closes WIT-1571

[WIT-1486] Integration with the coordinator's APIs

New features and improvements

  • Integrated the new Coordinator's APIs for termination, preview, and provisioning
  • Defined an API to retrieve the status of all the releases

Related issue

Closes WIT-1486, WIT-1541

[WIT-1539] Expanded values in custom URL picker

New features and improvements

  • Introduced a component for rendering texts with ellipsis styles

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Custom URL Picker bug that does not render long texts with ellipses

Related issue

Closes WIT-1539

[WIT-1015] Introduce the event system

New features and improvements

  • Added an events plugin that houses the witboost own EventBroker
  • Added a events common that houses isomorphic node types for events
  • Introduce a new database schema that houses two new tables

Related issue

Closes WIT-1015

[WIT-1415] Data Access page

New features and improvements

Added the new tab 'Data access' in the user profile and fixed minor bug for metrics and policies in the about card

Related issue

Closes WIT-1415

[WIT-1512] Update the prerequisites section

New features and improvements

Include in the prerequisite section of the getting started guide to gain access to the witboost dependency graph

Related issue

Closes WIT-1512

[WIT-1400] Automate test to check the new way of filtering

New features and improvements

  • updated existing autotests
  • added new and improved actual tests to check new ways of filtering in all pages that have filters
  • updated an image for the nightly pipeline execution

Related issue

Closes WIT-1400

[WIT-1389] Editor page

New features and improvements

  • Add a new Editor page inside the builder plugin
  • Add a flag to enable this section inside app-config.yaml

Related issue

Closes WIT-1389

[WIT-1514] Create Code Owners for the project

New features and improvements

Define the Code Owners for the project

Related issue

Closes WIT-1514

[WIT-1503] Replace dockable resize handle

New features and improvements

Update dockable resize handle

Related issue

Closes WIT-1503

[WIT-1413] New git APIs for deploying experience

New features and improvements

  • new API to list all the available branches of a repository
  • new API to get the commit information related to a branch
  • fetch descriptor, commit, create snapshots from different branches
  • add the creator and source details to the release entity
  • `the commit endpoint is now a POST and accepts an object a list of branches as body
  • the preview endpoint is now a POST and accepts a list of branches as body
  • The releases endpoint now accepts a list of branches as body

Related issue

Closes WIT-1413, WIT-1427, WIT-1477, WIT-1478

[WIT-1384] Create multi-drawer component

New features and improvements

Changed policies and metrics style on the data product page. Clicking policies and metrics in the About card makes a drawer with the list appear. It's possible to see more details by opening stackable other drawers.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1384 WIT-1385

[WIT-1082] FIX Backend Template

New features and improvements

Fixes an error in the definition of witboost.ui's backend template in which there could be a volume mounted with an empty secret name

Related issue

Closes WIT-1082

[WIT-1082] Provide Mechanism to Validate a Certificate Signed by a Custom CA

New features and improvements

A new deployment setup using docker has been implemented. The latter utilizes a TLS tunnel for the connections between Witboost UI, Marketplace and Hasura.

  • From the point of view of the TLS tunnel between Witboost UI and Hasura, importing a CA certificate inside the browser is required
  • From the point of view of the TLS tunnel between Marketplace and Hasura, the latter is automatically obtained by utilizing an https Agent in the Apollo Client

Related issue

Closes WIT-1082

[WIT-1480] Add documentation about how to set the ConfigMap for logo customization

New features and improvements

  • Add the documentation for how to set the ConfigMap for logo customization

Related issue

Closes WIT-1480

[WIT-510] Convert import YAML page

New features and improvements

Changed the import pages to be aligned with Witboost's design.

Related issue

Closes WIT-510

[WIT-1045] Automate tests to check blueprint additional cases

New features and improvements

  • chromedriver version updated
  • updated current autotests
  • a new test has been added to check additional cases of using blueprint: removing the "filling" label and displaying the "start over" button in case of a failed blueprint

Related issue

Closes WIT-1045

[WIT-1254] Remove the warning message when the limit is reached in the custom URL picker

New features and improvements

  • Added placeholder in the Custom URL Picker.
  • Added different colors for every severity (info, warning, error)

Related issue

Closes WIT-1254

[WIT-1333] UI refreshes version after commit

Bug fixes

  • After commit, creation, and release of a snapshot, the UI correctly updates the version

Related issue

Closes WIT-1333

[WIT-521] Policy creation specifying an infrastructure template that belongs to a data product

Bug fixes

  • Change the tooltip in the infrastructure template ID and use-case template ID selectors in the policy creation screen
  • No longer add the old "scope:component" tag

Related issue

Closes WIT-521

[WIT-1443] Date filter no longer persists when resetting filters in CGP results

Bug fixes

  • Remove fromDate as the default filter in the Search Results CGP page. The date filter no longer persists when clicking reset filters

Related issue

Closes WIT-1445

[WIT-1458] Fix regression on patch

Bug fixes

  • Fixed regression from backstage update

Related Issue

Closes WIT-1458

[WIT-1424] Custom URL Picker pagination management

New features and improvements

  • Updated the CustomURLPicker docs with an infinite scrolling mechanism that was poor in clarity.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1424

[WIT-1401] Fix logs viewer and task page

New features and improvements

  • created a new Logs Viewer
  • migrated the logs card to the new design
  • added theme for log viewer for monaco editor
  • the background color of the log viewer is now white, not grey

Bug fixes

  • all the other log viewers now uses the new viewer, so ANSI characters are correctly escaped everywhere
  • the repository button in the task page now opens a new tab that redirects to the git repo
  • editor wizard and reverse provisioning are now correctly linked to their buttons

Related issue

Closes WIT-1401, WIT-1402

[WIT-1157] Make getAclRequests query more efficient

New features and improvements

  • the query now runs only once to get all the ACL requests for an array of refs
  • updated docs to add the tip to enable platform settings

Bug fixes

  • made the platform settings enabled by default

Related issue

Closes WIT-1157

[WIT-343] Update Backstage to v1.15.0

New features and improvements

Updated Backstage to version v1.15.0

Related issue

Closes WIT-343

[WIT-509] Convert the backstage task execution and task list pages to the new design

New features and improvements

  • Convert the tasks list page to the new design
  • Convert task activity page to the new design
  • Change filters with the new ones
  • Update titles and add breadcrumbs to be consistent with the design system

Related issue

Closes WIT-509

[WIT-1360] Convert blueprint selecting table modal

New features and improvements

Revamp the blueprint selecting table modal

Bug fixes

Fix the bug on the blueprint selecting menu text overlapping

Related issue

Closes WIT-1360

[WIT-1355] Fix broken documentation

New features and improvements

Refactored he broken links for documentation

Related issue

Closes WIT-1355

[WIT-834] Users groups tab

New features and improvements

  • Implemented the new tab 'Users and groups' in the Access Control panel
  • Added documentation for the panel

Related issue

Closes WIT-834

[WIT-1355] Improve requirements documentation

New features and improvements

  • Improved the documentation regarding the requirements of the platform

Related issue

Closes WIT-1355

[WIT-1356] Fixed a bug with white-spaced tags

Bug fixes

  • Fixed white-spaced tags

Related issue

Closes WIT-1356

[WIT-1342] Create tooltip wrapped component

New features and improvements

  • Created a new component for wrapped text and removed the duplicated code

Related issue

Closes WIT-1342

[WIT-1274] Failure message of remote request hook is not user-friendly

New features and improvements

  • Improved message when remote request hook is unable to contact the configured external service
  • Improved tab ordering in platform settings

Bug fixes

  • Now when you disable revokes you cannot import them into the platform settings

Related issue

Closes WIT-1274

[WIT-1237] Updated table sorting

New features and improvements

  • Add sort on governance registry tables
  • Remove the "type" column from the software catalog data products, and my data products table
  • Add sort on software catalog "type" and "dataproduct" columns

Related issue

Closes WIT-1237

[WIT-1238] Add clickable breadcrumbs

New features and improvements

Add missing breadcrumbs to the following pages:

  • Advanced search page
  • Notification page
  • Installed actions page
  • Tasks list page
  • Task detail page
  • Template editor page
  • User settings and profile page

Add a clickable breadcrumb to navigate the software catalog with the selected kind.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1238

[WIT-717] Show spaces in tags fields

Bug fixes

Show tags' label how the user inserted them

Related issue

Closes WIT-717

[WIT-1353] Added new table cell for request status

New features and improvements

Added the new table cell for request status in the ACL table

Related issue

Closed WIT-1353

[WIT-1170] Lowercase GitLab group before string comparison with template URL

Bug fixes

  • Publish action with group creation now works even if capitalization is different

Related issue

Closes WIT-1170

[WIT-753] Changed default action for metrics

New features and improvements

Changed default action for metrics in the CGP registry

Related issue

Closes WIT-753

[WIT-1030] Theme logo override

New features and improvements

Definition of a new structure for the witboost's theme override. Colors have been redefined to make them more easily manageable.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1030

[WIT-1346] Platform identity not doing lowercase check on notifications

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the insertion of new notifications on behalf of the platform

Related issue

Closes WIT-1346

[WIT-1335] ACL request with file picker fails if the requester is not an owner

Bug fixes

  • Increased HTTP payload max size for notification backend, scaffolder backend, and action handler backend (overrideable with platform.httpPayloadSizeLimitMb). Those are all plugins involved when dealing with files coming from templates.
  • Now, the Nginx exceed payload limit error is informed with a more user-friendly message

Related issue

Closes WIT-1335

[WIT-1288] Add the option to define an hasura endpoint for backend calls

New features and improvements

  • Add the option to define an hasura endpoint for backend calls by setting the following configuration:
backendUrl: http://my-endpoint:8080/v1/graphql
  • If this configuration is not present, it will default to mesh.marketplace.baseUrl

Related issue

Closes WIT-1288

[WIT-753] Changed default action based on permission

New features and improvements

Changed default action based on permission in the GCP registry

Related issue

Closes WIT-753

[WS-390] Custom URL picker saved values won't show up in the edit template

Bug fixes

  • Added a server token in the template action
  • Fixed a bug in the Custom URL Picker which doesn't load any value from the edit-template

Related issue

Closes WS-390

[WIT-1334] Two types of ACL templates can be registered

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to register more than one access control request template

Related issue

Closes WIT-1334

[WIT-1332] Handle failed deploy operation on buttons

Bug fixes

If the deployment process fails, the buttons on the deploy panel stop spinning

Related issue

Closes WIT-1332

Changelog v1.6.1

Changelog v1.6.2

[WIT-2080] Wrong behavior in entity selection picker

New features and improvements

  • Handled default values for EntitySelectionPicker. The default value is handled only in case of fields with type: string and ui:property defined.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2080

[WIT-2082] Display metrics result even if the value is 0

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the display of a metric result if the value was 0

Related issue

Closes WIT-2082

[WIT-1980] Fix date filtering in CatalogTable when selecting only one day

Bug fixes

  • Fix date filtering in CatalogTable when selecting only one day.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1980

[WIT-1663] Fields not fetching their values if inside 'allOf' on EditTemplate

Bug fixes

  • Pickers can fetch the information regardless of their position on the form.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1663

[WIT-1569] Customizable colors in the graphs

New features and improvements

Add within the theme the possibility to change the colors of:

  • the Data Product Graph

  • the colors used by charts and graphs (e.g. Mesh Supervision, Governance Overview, Marketplace Dependencies, etc.)

Related issue

Closes WIT-1569

[WIT-1924] Customer Theme

New features and improvements

Added a new theme for a customer.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1924

[WIT-1833] Fix descriptor drawer and metrics filters

  • Descriptor drawer now takes full height and opens without scrolling effect
  • Clear filters in the Search Results page now correctly works

Closes WIT-1833

[WIT-1732] Marketplace callback failed before deep iterate at undefined

Bug fixed

  • Enabled viewing of a Data Product in the graph marked with an "unassigned" domain.
  • Fixed an issue allowing users to switch to a different environment after performing a search within the data product graph.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1732

[WIT-1872] Fix EntityRelationsPicker field

New features and improvements

  • Updated the new field of EntityRelationsPicker to "ui:property".

Related issue

Closes WIT-1872

[WIT-1838] Make a picker select users belonging to a group extracted from another property

New features and improvements

  • Introduces the EntityRelationsPicker that lets the user select a value among a set of options fetched following the relations of another parameter. This is particularly useful if the user can only choose a value from a subset of elements, enforced using a relation.

Breaking changes

Deprecated the EntityComponentsPicker and replaced its functionalities with the EntityRelationsPicker.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1838

[WIT-1725] Missing customPalette colors break UI in platform settings and tech docs

New features and improvements

  • Update customPalette doc. Update default theme.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1725

[WIT-1706] Fix bug with multiple microfrontend pages

Bug fixes

  • Fix a bug that caused the microfrontend page to not refresh when switching between microfrontends

Related issue

Closes WIT-1706

[WIT-1583] Manual editing of the EntitySelectionPicker

Bug fixes

  • Allow the user to enter manual values in the EntitySelectionPicker when allowArbitraryValues is true.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1583

[WIT-1731] IdentitesPicker won't close the popup when only 1 item is required

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that forced users to click out of the box to close the autocomplete suggestions in the IdentitiesPicker

Related issue

Closes WIT-1731

Provisioning Coordinator

Changelog v1.5.0

[WIT-1728] Fix component deployment status update

Bug fixes

Fixed the update of a component's deployment status in case of syncronous response from the related Tech Adapter

Related issue

Closes WIT-1728

[WIT-1699] Fix evaluation report final status computation

Bug fixes

When an evaluation report contains some failed blocking policies, it should be marked as failed. Before this fix there were cases in which this was not always true.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1699

[WIT-1174] Paginate the resolve endpoint

New features and improvements

  • Add a batch size parameter to the resolver, defaults to 5
  • CGP is now using the new paginatedResolve method, that uses the batch size to perform multiple calls to its resolvers
  • Add offset and limit parameters to GetDescriptors query


  • You can set a batch size for each, by setting batch-size in configuration parameter of the resolver

Adjusted threads for evaluation usage

New features and improvements

  • Introduced suspension in the task creation and update to run this task in a proper evaluation thread
  • Added a global execution context in the timer initialization

Bug fixes

  • Fixed variant id which is not returned in the query methods

Related issue

Closes WIT-1174

[WIT-1055] Obtain Coordinator Cert from a new ExternalSecret

New features and improvements

Before this MR, provisioning-coordinator obtains it's p12 certificate from k8s secret "witboost-secrets". From now on this certificate will be obtained from a new Secret.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1055

[WIT-1547] Return provisioning plan tasks by topological order

New features and improvements

APIs now return provisioning plans with a task list sorted by topological order

Related issue

Closes WIT-1547

[WIT-923] Extend the provisioning plan termination

New features and improvements

  • Added "mode" query params to the PUT /v1/execution-plans/{token}/terminate API with default value to "safe"
  • Added the Poller trait to make every scheduler Task pollable
  • Added the Abortable trait to make every scheduler task abortable
  • Made the Specific Provisioner Async Http Task a pollable and abortable task
  • Made CGPTask and SubPlanMonitoring tasks as pollable tasks
  • Refactored the scheduler class to take the tasks fibers (and not the plan fiber anymore)
  • Refactored the execution finalizer method for the execution plan
  • Refactored the terminatePlan method in the Scheduler class to implement the two modes (safe and forced)

[WIT-1313] Introduce Reloader

New features and improvements

Annotate reloader into Provisioning Coordinator

Related issue

Closes WIT-1313

[WIT-1410] Document the new provisioning process

New features and improvements

Updated Coordinator's documentation for basic functionalities and technological details

Related issue

Closes WIT-1410

[WIT-916] Implement the partial provisioning process

New features and improvements

  • New provisioning endpoint with support for partial provisioning
  • Refactored the provisioning plan builder
  • Refactored the provisioning service, the provisioning plan service, and the provisioning persistence adapter
  • Implemented the new provisioning process with support for partial provisioning
  • Integrated the validation gateway task in the provisioning plan
  • Implemented partial validation for partial provisioning plans
  • Implemented the persistence model to track the provisioning status of each single deployment unit component

Related issue

Closes WIT-916

[WIT-917] Define a validation gateway task for provisioning plans

New features and improvements

  • Added a Validation Gateway operation in model
  • Added default value for id in the sub-plan task command
  • Added subPlanId in the possible TaskEntity model

Related issue

Closes WIT-917

[WIT-917] Define a validation gateway task for provisioning plans

New features and improvements

  • Added Validation Gateway task
  • Introduced the concept of SubPlanMonitoringTask for the scheduler
  • Added Validation Task Builder

Related issue

Closes WIT-917

[WIT-1355] Fix broken documentation

New features and improvements

Refactored the broken links for documentation

Related issue

Closes WIT-1355

[WIT-915] Define an endpoint to retrieve a provisioning plan preview

New features and improvements

  • Renamed some packages and folders to better organize code
  • New endpoint /v2/deployment-units/{deployment-unit-id}/provisioning/preview to validate a provisioning operation and compute the related preview
  • Implemented a provisioning preview builder to generate provisioning operation previews

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the OpenAPI specification of the external CGP engine. content.content field in the /v1/evaluate request body is a string (it was marked as an object)

Related issue

Closes WIT-915

Changelog v1.5.1

[WIT-1597] Resolved issue with component skipped when 'specific' field set to null during validation

Bug fixes

  • Enhanced validation process: Previously, during testing, if a component had its "specific" attribute set to null, it would be inadvertently skipped. This issue has been addressed, and such components are now properly included in the validation checks.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1597