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Changelog v2.0.0


Changelog v2.0.2

[WIT-2760] Fix colon in LDAP password

[WIT-2639] Fix focus on descriptor

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the focus if a row in the descriptor contains id: something without being an actual witboost urn

Related issue

Closes WIT-2639

[WIT-2731] Fix stringified response details

Bug fixes

  • Response details are now sent correctly everywhere

Related issue

Closes WIT-2731

[WIT-2919] Fix the new version on monorepos

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of new versions of components in a monorepo

Related issue

Closes WIT-2919

[WIT-2733] Fix fetch environments from the marketplace

Bug fixes

  • The deployment menu is now shown correctly, as the permissions are now correctly computed from the correct environment list.
  • Undeploy from quick actions now correctly works.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2733

[WIT-2762] Fix showWhen nunjucks parsing

Bug fixes

  • nunjucks parsing now returns undefined if the value is not found, instead of an empty string
  • Removed showWhenExists from tags

Related issue

Closes WIT-2762

[WIT-2495] Fix release_details column in acl_requests

Bug fixes

  • Values inside the release_details column in the acl_requests table are now converted to jsonb

  • The migration will handle old persisted values and convert them to the right format.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2495

[WIT-2723] Fix view source url in edit and test

Bug fixes

  • When a system or component contains a branch name, it correctly computes the view source url

Related issue

Closes WIT-2723

[WIT-2714] Undeploy and remove data in clean-up operations

Bug fixes

  • During advanced provisioning, you can now choose between undeploy and undeploy and remove data, in the clean-up operations

Related issue

Closes WIT-2714

[WIT-2664] Prevent undefined test status to halt the application

Bug fixes

  • If a test status is not handled by the UI when it is received, show a fragment instead of crashing

Related issue

Closes WIT-2664

Changelog v2.0.1

[WIT-2905] Null values do not crash catalog

Bug fixes

  • fixed a bug that enabled the call of toString to null values

Related issue

Closes WIT-2905

Changelog v2.0.0

[WIT-2113] Custom View Documentation

New features and improvements

  • Documentation for Custom Views
  • Renamed some identifiers and field names to be more consistent

Related issue

Closes WIT-2113

[WIT-2617] Split domains by taxonomy in the visual discovery graph

New features and improvements

Domains in the visual discovery graph are now filtered by data landscape

Related issue

Closes WIT-2617

[WIT-2614] Frontend adjustments

New features and improvements

  • Add mesh.marketplace.ui.searchPage.showConsumableFilterSwitch in the config to decide if the Consumable filter should be shown in the search page UI. If omitted or false, the switch will not be shown but only results with the Consumable value set will be displayed
  • Add Domain Type column in the software catalog for kind domain
  • Visually updated the Practice Shaper graph to make certain relations stand out

Related issue

Closes WIT-2614

[WIT-2615] Add project type column in the builder

New features and improvements

Add the project type column in the builder table

Related Issue

Closes WIT-2615

[WIT-2613] Fixes on the marketplace details page

New features and improvements

General fixes on the marketplace details page

Related issue

Closes WIT-2613

[WIT-2607] Fix custom view icons bugs

New features and improvements

  • Add new prop to a custom view: if true, extra white space will be made above the custom view for the "Downloader Icon" to not overlap with the components above it

Related issue

Closes WIT-2607

[WIT-2610] Fix rendering of templates not yet migrated to the practice shaper

Bug fixes

Fixed rendering of templates not yet migrated to practice shaper

Related issue

Closes WIT-2610

[WIT-2590] Add automatic component, and removed automatic separation lines

New features and improvements

  • Added the automatic custom view component
  • Removed the automatic separation lines

Related issue

Closes WIT-2590

[WIT-2602] Fix equality checks between entity refs

Bug fixes

  • Added an expansion on entities before the equality check

Related issue

Closes WIT-2602

[WIT-2608] Fix Data Quality and Image in Data Contracts

Bug fixes

  • data quality card is now showing values

Related issue

Closes WIT-2608

[WIT-2591] Explain RBAC docs for template editor

Bug fixes

  • Docs fix for Template Editor RBAC permission

Related issue

Closes WIT-2591

[WIT-2601] Fix environment not set in release details

Bug fixes

  • no more Parameter 'environment' not set error when heading to the release details page without an environment in session storage

Related issue

Closes WIT-2601

[WIT-2112] Added function to download the default custom view structure

New features and improvements

Added a tool icon for custom view structure's download for platform administrators.

Related Issue

Closes WIT-2112

[WIT-2280] Upgraded the LDAP plugin with the updated configurations

New features and improvements

Updated the LDAP plugin with the new structure.

Related issue


[WIT-2550] Define provisioning status updated event

New features and improvements

Registered a new event: the provisioning status of a system has been updated after a provisioning operation

Related issue

Closes WIT-2550

[WIT-2482] Make the schema widget configurable in the custom view

New features and improvements

  • make the schema widget configurable in the custom view
  • added support for struct field type in the schema
  • moved semantic link on a dialog

Related issue

Closes WIT-2482

[WIT-2578] Text overlapping in the overview page errors

Bug fixes

  • Added a style override and adjusted the padding for the description.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2578

[WIT-2426] Custom View bugfix for warnings

Bug fixes

  • builder warning fixed
  • builder info made more configurable

Related issue

Closes WIT-2426

[WIT-2576] The show all option from the add button does not work correctly

Bug fixes

Fixes a bug where when selecting a template from "Show all" in a system detail page, the template wouldn't pre-fill with the system info

Related issue

Closes WIT-2576

[WIT-2586] Policy resource type required

Bug fixes

Resource type required for metric and policy creation

Related issue

Closes WIT-2586

[WIT-2585] Remove search backend migrations

New features and improvements

  • Remove search functionality, in preparation for the power search
  • Remove unnecessary migrations

Related issue

Closes WIT-2585

[WIT-2443] Fix the new draft release from the deployment tab

Bug fixes

  • fix an error in the new draft release in the deployment tab, when entities are located in different branches from the main entity

Related issue

Closes WIT-2443

[WIT-2491] Fix template import

Bug fixes

Put "Location" instead of "Locations"

Related issue

Closes WIT-2491

[WIT-2583] Fix Azure DevOps default project visibility

Bug fixes

  • correctly fallback to private project visibility if the organization is disabled

Related issue

Closes WIT-2583

[WIT-2581] Fix dry runs in the template editor

Bug fixes

Dry runs executed in the template editor now bypass certain Practice Shaper constraints, which are enforced on actual runs instead.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2581

[WIT-2427] Add support for type and template ID selectors

New features and improvements

custom view storage now has a selection containing type identifiers and template identifiers.

In the marketplace, the custom view selection is linked to the practice shaper.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2427

[WIT-2524] Marketplace catalog and graph titles are not aligned with their menu voices

Bug fixes

  • Rename Marketplace Catalog/Projects Catalog to Search (url changes from projects-catalog to search)
  • Rename Graph/Project Graph to Visual Discovery (url changes from projects-graph to visual-discovery)
  • Update Breadcrumbs for Search (ex catalog) page, Visual Discovery and Project Detail
  • Move Mesh Supervision from the marketplace to settings
  • Change the layout of the Marketplace Graph not to be wrapped by Extra Card
  • Rename the Supervision tab in platform settings to Platform Supervision

Related issue

Closes WIT-2524

[WIT-2559] Add microservice details in custom URL picker docs

New features and improvements

  • Added Custom URL Picker microservice documentation

Related issue

Closes WIT-2559

[WIT-2491] Handle disabled create buttons

New features and improvements

  • Added new permissions to disable platform team operations to common users.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2491

[WIT-2421] Entity selection picker fails validation due to a string error

Bug fixes

Fix bugs within the EntitySelectionPicker:

  • sometimes the field was rendered as filled (with a previous value) even if it had no actual value set
  • sometimes it would have an empty array [] as the value
  • sometimes some onChange calls were skipped because of an issue

Related issue

Closes WIT-2421

[WIT-2479] Fix icons distance in practice shaper graph

Bug fixes

Improve the visualization of the shoppable and consumable icons in the practice shaper graph's nodes.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2479

[WIT-2529] Docker full instance blocks component deployments

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug where using docker full instance deployments of components would be blocked

Related issue

Closes WIT-2529

[WIT-2478] Fix the visual errors on the new table in the templates

New features and improvements

  • Fixed the styling problems

Related issue

Closes WIT-2478

[WIT-2487] Extend fetch template action with practice shaper validations

New features and improvements

  • Handled sub-components upsert in the marketplace plugin
  • Added Practice Shaper validation functions for Component and System instances
  • Added Practice Shaper validation functions: so right now, every time a new Component or System is created by using templates, it would be validated before registering the entity

Related issue

Closes WIT-2487

[WIT-2173] Document the practice shaper

New features and improvements

Defined the documentation for Practice Shaper

Related issue

Closes WIT-2173

[WIT-2490] Handle disabled software catalog

New features and improvements

Software catalog is shown/hidden based on a new permission


Add as permission to enable the software catalog on the builder menu section.

Bug fixes

Fixed breadcrumbs for 'My Projects' page

Related issue

Closes WIT-2490

[WIT-2402] Open the template documentation in a drawer

New features and improvements

  • Clicking on the docs icon in a template/blueprint card now opens the docs in a drawer instead of a new page

Related issue

Closes WIT-2402

[WIT-1640] Update versions for dockerized Witboost

New features and improvements

  • Updated dockerized Witboost to the latest stable version.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1640

[WIT-2494] Fix versions after patches fix

Bug fixes

Fix visual error on tabs

Related issue

Closes WIT-2494

[WIT-2276] Throw an error when the taxonomy is not enabled

New features and improvements

Throw an error when the taxonomy is not enabled, for system and component instances.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2276

[WIT-2288] Automate tests to check the property resolver picker workflow

New features and improvements

  • added a new test to check the property resolver picker

Related issue

Closes WIT-2288

[WIT-2494] Fix the old dependencies patches

Bug fixes

Aligned patch files to the new Yarn 3 version

Related issue

Closes WIT-2494

[WIT-2426] Added custom view support for the data contracts

New features and improvements

  • Removed old non-custom view code
  • Changed data contract visualization using a custom view
  • Add some and every nunjucks custom functions that can be used in the custom view

Related issue

Closes WIT-2426

[WIT-2278] Forbid new snapshots when the instance has errors

New features and improvements

Disabled "update button" and "new draft release button" when any errors occurred during system/component processing. Added an error icon on practice shaper graph on classes when there are errors and added error detail on the related drawer.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2278, WIT-2467

[WIT-2329] Custom View bugfixes and improved backward compatibility

New features and improvements

  • Added support to define custom view segments as sub-pages
  • Separated by include the "General Info" section from marketplace pages
  • Improved backward compatibility in function getCustomViewInfoFromObject with old extractFirstLevelFields
  • Added hlineEveryNElements support in getCustomViewInfoFromObject to automatically add horizontal separation lines
  • Added support for specifying showWhenExistsList as an array

Bug fixes

  • Fixed sizing problem in sideInfo in general info of data products
  • Fixed the drawer

Related issue

Closes WIT-2329

[WIT-2102] Enable partial provisioning based on atomic deployable unit property

New features and improvements

  • Deprecate configuration mesh.provisioner.partialProvisioning.enabled
  • Enable partial provisioning only on systems whose SystemType contains the environments on which the user is going to deploy


The config field provisioner.partialProvisioning.enabled has been deprecated. To be used when deploying the release of a System, Partial Provisioning must now be enabled on the SystemType entity the System is an instance of.

*Bug Fixes *

Fix a bug in the text field selector where the divider would overlap with the text

Related issue

Closes WIT-2102

[WIT-2450] Finalizing the test update for the new model

New features and improvements

  • updated chrome-driver version
  • reduced most of the old-style PO
  • organized all tests by logic order to make test runs more effective

Related issue

Closes WIT-2450

[WIT-2456] Updated params on formData

New features and improvements

Changed params on formData when creating a component from a shortcut

Migration step

In a component template (storage, workload, etc...) it's possible to define dataproduct as input. This line should be changed to refer to the Data Product chosen in the steps above (e.g. with an EntityPicker with the name dataproduct). Now a new general field 'parentRef' should be used, instead of 'dataproduct'.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2456

[WIT-2432] Define a marketplace filter to hide non-consumable projects

New features and improvements

Added a Consumable switch in the marketplace catalog to hide non-consumable projects (defaults to true)

Related issue

Closes WIT-2432

[WIT-2469] Fix focus on descriptors with subcomponents

Bug fixes

  • fixed focus when one or more sub-components ids are present in the descriptor
  • fixed focus when the taxonomy urn id is present in the descriptor

Related issue

Closes WIT-2469

[WIT-2022] Introduce consumable and shoppable attributes

New features and improvements

  • Introduced consumable and shoppable attributes in system types and component types
  • Introduced consumable and shoppable attributes in system and component instances
  • From now on, if the component/subComponent/system has no defined consumable or shoppable attributes, the values for those attributes will be inherited from the component/system type directly if any, otherwise they will be set to false.
  • Added check in SystemClassProcessor and ComponentClassProcessor for resourceTypeIduniqueness

Related issue

Closes WIT-2022

[WIT-2453] Make the taxonomy label configurable

New features and improvements

  • Make the taxonomy selector label configurable (Default value: Data Landscape)

Related issue

Closes WIT-2453

[WIT-2136] Restore type filter on the templates page

New features and improvements

Added type filter on template page

Related issue

Closes WIT-2136

[WIT-2414] Handle the request access button on shoppable systems

New features and improvements

  • refactored some code with types
  • we can now have components that are not shoppable (and neither its parent) but consumable

Related issue

Closes WIT-2414

[WIT-2360] Refactor scaffolder table style

New features and improvements

  • Refactored scaffolder tables to MUI components
  • Improved their style to match Figma's
  • Added an optional prop to the multiple selector, which is only given when used from OverrideWidgets, that limits the number of shown chips of selected items
  • Added an optional prop to multiple selector that toggles flexWrap property (defaults to true)

Related issue

Closes WIT-2360

[WIT-2099][WIT-2383] Introduce taxonomies in the marketplace UI

New features and improvements

  • Add taxonomy selector in the marketplace (catalog, projects graph, data contracts)
  • Correct marketplace names:
    • Replace “data product” label with “project”
    • Rename “Output Ports” to "Consumable Interfaces" (also in the components page link /outputport/...):
      • change the Consumable Interfaces card to be one single table (instead of one per type) where the type is a new column (shown in capitalCase)
    • Project Graph (also in url /products-graph/ has become /projects-graph/
    • Rename /products-catalog/ in catalog route to /projects-catalog/ (keep also route with /products-catalog/ for legacy reasons)
  • Changes in marketplace system detail page -> access control:
    • types are shown in capitalCase (even in the "type" filter)
    • when clicking the type filter, only the types of components that are part of the current system are shown

Bug Fixes

  • fix a bug where a request access sent for a Consumable Interface without type would fail by sending a default type if no type is available
  • fixed a GraphQL query to use Consumable ENUM instead of boolean for comparison

Related issue

Closes WIT-2099, WIT-2383

[WIT-2434] Limit request access to only shoppable components

New features and improvements

  • you can now request access only on shoppable components

Related issue

Closes WIT-2434

[WIT-2408] Align blueprints to Practice Shaper

New features and improvements

Added new optional property "parentRefField" on blueprints' config to indicate which field will be auto-filled for other templates

Related issue

Closes WIT-2408

[WIT-2322] Markdown should work in templates


  • Added tooltips to help users understand better the purpose of the actions buttons for template tables rows and lists items
  • Markdown will work also inside tooltips

Bug fixes

  • Markdown rendering in templates has been fixed
  • Headings now follow the size hierarchy of the ObjectFieldTemplate (H1 becomes H4, H2 -> H5, H3 -> H6, H4-H5-H6 -> H6)

Related issue

Closes WIT-2322

[WIT-2289] Automate tests to check new deploy workflow branches

New features and improvements

  • Suits and tests are brought to a more orderly state
  • Added the test scenario to check new deploy flow with branches
  • The marketplace suit refactored to use the new PO model

Related issue

Closes WIT-2289

[WIT-2032] Make access control multi-selection configurable

New features and improvements

  • You can enable selection of multiple output ports when making an access request, using the configuration:
multipleAccessRequestSelection: true

Bug fixes

  • Added authentication token to the request the notification router makes to the action handler
  • Added shoppable and consumable attributes to models and queries

Related issue

Closes WIT-2032

[WIT-2441] Missing limit and offset in graph ql queries

Bug fixes

  • Fixed missing limit and offset in the GraphQL queries

Related issue

Closes WIT-2441

[WIT-2442] Policy name is not displayed in test mode

Bug fixes

  • Now the policy name gets displayed correctly when in test mode

Related issue

Closes WIT-2442

[WIT-2431] Migrate shoppable and consumable attributes on projects

New features and improvements

  • Defined a migration to align the shoppable and consumable attributes of systems in the marketplace database

Related issue

Closes WIT-2431

[WIT-2431] Convert shoppable and consumable properties to enums

New features and improvements

  • marketplace db → instances table → shoppable column from boolean to enum:
    • SHOPPABLE → the system or component is shoppable
    • HAS_SHOPPABLE_CHILDREN → the system or component has shoppable subcomponents
  • marketplace db → instances table → shoppable column from boolean to enum:
    • CONSUMABLE → the system or component is consumable
    • HAS_CONSUMABLE_CHILDREN → the system or component has consumable subcomponents

Related issue

Closes WIT-2431

[WIT-2425] Set includeDescriptor flag to false for validation results

New features and improvements

  • Set includeDescriptors flag to false for both the old and the new control panel

Related issue

Closes WIT-2425

[WIT-2363] Updated micro frontend configuration

New features and improvements

Updated the microfronted configuration and documentation.


Configuration keys for custom pages are changed:

  • to add a new custom page to the marketplace project's page add it to the configuration
  • to add a new custom page to the marketplace consumable interface's page add it to the configuration

Given that the marketplace schema has been updated, the value paths of the parameters defined in the configuration must be aligned with the schema. On the custom pages' documentation, a new project object and a new consumable interface object have been added.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2363

[WIT-2239] Change descriptor properties

New features and improvements


  • dataProductOwner with projectOwner in descriptor
  • dataProductOwnerDisplayName with projectOwnerDisplayName in descriptor
  • dataProductName with projectName for releases

Added a fallback for each case

Related issue

Closes WIT-2239

[WIT-2417] Upgrade to yarn 3

New features and improvements

Upgrade the package manager to Yarn 3

Related issue

Closes WIT-2417

[WIT-2364] Enable Practice Shaper

New features and improvements

  • Removed old ontology plugins
  • Removed the instanceProcessorsEnabled configuration

Related issue

Closes WIT-2364

[WIT-2112] Custom view in the marketplace

New features and improvements

Exposed a customizable custom view in the marketplace

Bug fixes

  • fix styles in tables and cards
  • changed naming convention in components

Related issue

Closes WIT-2112

[WIT-2147-FollowUp] Fix Practice Shaper instance processors

Bug fixes

Fixed Practice Shaper instance processors

Related issue

Closes WIT-2147

[WIT-1724] Cards are not full-page

Bug fixes

Adjust the following screens to cover the full page:

  • the data product graph page
  • the data contracts page
  • the taxonomy page
  • the edit and test page
  • the governance test page

Related issue

Closes WIT-1724

[WIT-2320] Filtering switching the favorite trigger after selecting any other filtering option

Bug fixes

Fixed import for the filters and the favorite switch

Related issue

Closes WIT-2320

[WIT-2317] Add a timing column and filter on policy results in the marketplace

New features and improvements

  • You can now view the timing of policies in the marketplace and filter them accordingly

Related issue

Closes WIT-2317

[WIT-2144] Add a field in frontend and backend Ingress templates

New features and improvements

Previously the Ingress Controller implementing an Ingress could be defined using a specific annotation which is now deprecated. For this reason, it's now possible to use the spec.ingressClassName field to target a specific IngressClass Controller

Related issue

Closes WIT-2144

Bug fixes

  • Fixed broken link in docs

Related issue

Closes WIT-2401

[WIT-1957] Automate tests to check the access request using file and descriptors pickers

New features and improvements

  • Updated suits for scenario checking when the user sends a request with the attached file and with descriptor settings

Related issue

Closes WIT-1957

[WIT-2350] Guest login for new installations

New features and improvements

  • Added guest login to check the UI on a brand-new installation

Related issue

Closes WIT-2350

[WIT-2147] Improve errors on Practice Shaper processors

New features and improvements

  • Improved error handling and messages for all the practice shaper processors
  • Introduced relation context to share the emitted relations (and targets) with all other relations

Related issue

Closes WIT-2147

[WIT-2318] Filter templates by taxonomy in the component list

New features and improvements

Only templates in the system’s taxonomy should be visible when clicking add component in a system's catalog page

Related issue

Closes WIT-2318

[WIT-2324] Pass Witboost version inside a UI's environment variable

New features and improvements

Allow to display the version of Witboost in the UI, adding an env variable 'WITBOOST_VERSION' that passes Witboost's chart version to the UI pod.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2324

[WIT-2343] Align sidebar with design

Bug fixes

Sidebar styling, especially the group header icons

Related issue

Closes WIT-2343

[WIT-2377] Fix the environment not set and the back button

Bug fixes

  • No more Environment not set when opening the edit and test tab
  • The back button is now clickable in the processing step
  • The skeleton of the edit template takes priority if defines the witboost.parameters

Related issue

Closes WIT-2377, WIT-2378

New features and improvements

  • removed the techdocs search bar

Related issue

Closes WIT-2285

[WIT-2281] Fix partial provisioning requests

Bug fixes

Fix the following bug: when starting a partial provisioning operation from the UI requests sent to the backend do not reflect what is selected in the UI

Related issue

Closes WIT-2281

[WIT-2368] Set default value on trigger change

Bug fixes

Removed selectors when trigger change from active to passive and added default value during change from passive to active

Related issue

Closes WIT-2368

[WIT-2097] Fix marketplace migration

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Hasura queries when unregistering entity locations

Related issue


[WIT-2365] Improve getting started

New features and improvements

Improve GETTINGSTARTED file to add missing requirements and steps

Related issue

Closes WIT-2365

[WIT-2218] Allow creating a governance entity for multiple resource types

New features and improvements

Added multiple selector for resource type in metric and policy form creation. In edit mode resource type is disabled.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2218

[WIT-2097] Implement the new marketplace plugin

New features and improvements

  • Added migration to marketplace V2 schema
  • Migrated all the marketplace GraphQL queries to the new schema
  • Migrated all the ACL queries to the new schema
  • Added processors for upserting domains, resources and taxonomies in Marketplace
  • Implemented the new marketplace proxy as a backstage plugin

Breaking changes

  • The previous marketplace proxy (standalone microservice) is now deprecated


A configuration about consumable interface type field has been inserted

consumableInterfaceTypeField: {YOUR_CONSUMABLE_INTERFACE_FIELD}

in case this is not provided, it would be outputPortType.

This field here will be used to extract a value from the descriptor while performing a GraphQL query.

  • New model provided to custom views (update config)
  • New model provided to microfrontend (update config)
  • Reload hasura metadata and track marketplace tables
  • Configure the Coordinator to make it point to the new service: <UI module host>/api/marketplace

Bug fixes

  • Authenticated the call to the Action Handler for updating the hooks

Related issue

Closes WIT-2097, WIT-2093, WIT-2090, WIT-2091, WIT-2106

[WIT-2345] Editing policy cron expression disabled

Bug fixes

Prevented the component from disabling the input of the custom cron expression when the user goes back to its step

Related issue

Closes WIT-2345

[WIT-2320] Resolved switching the favorite toggle after applying a filter

Bug fixes

Resolved switching the favorite toggle after applying a filter

Related issue

Closes WIT-2320

[WIT-2340] Unable to run policy test from the system panel

Bug fixes

  • Fix a bug that prevented from running a policy test in the panel

Related issue

Closes WIT-2340

[WIT-2312] Add plop to generate consistent code quickly

New features and improvements

Added Plop to the project as a tool to improve the development workflow

Related issue

Closes WIT-2312

[WIT-2332] Fix the error message when unregistering non-empty domains or entities in the marketplace

Bug fixes

  • Fix the error message when unregistering non-empty domains or entities in the marketplace

Related issue

Closes WIT-2332

[WIT-2334] Fix the style of the output port schema table

Bug fixes

Fix the style of the output port schema table

Related issue

Closes WIT-2334

[WIT-2165] Embed an entity registration form in the practice shaper page

New features and improvements

Embed an entity registration form in the practice shaper page

Related issue

Closes WIT-2165

[WIT-2207] The create button instead of the update while editing the policy

Bug fixes

When editing a policy, the button was changed from create to update.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2207

[WIT-2290] Subcomponent table drawer

New features and improvements

  • added custom component subcomponents table, that optionally takes in input a columns property, that can contain an array of RawGeneralInfo
  • added custom view subcomponent drawer, to be displayed when clicking on a subcomponent in the new subcomponents table
  • added a custom property to table: showRowWhen, that takes in input the same as showWhen (value and equals/not equals), so that we can filter values to show in the table
  • showWhenExists also checks if an object contains all keys with null or undefined values

Related issue

Closes WIT-2290

[WIT-2327] Schema Registry sync failure

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the events backend plugin from starting correctly due to a concurrent migration process of tables and schema registry

Related issue

Closes WIT-2327

[WIT-2282] Add environment configurations in the Reverse Provisioning

New features and improvements

  • add customizable key passed to tech adapters, that hold environment-specific configurations, based on the env set
  • the key name can be changed by specifying another name
  • extended the readBlob method, to read one or more files

Related issue

Closes WIT-2282

[WIT-2328] Weird behavior in custom url picker

Bug fixes

  • Fixed configuration visibility for Custom URL Picker
  • Fixed equality check for dynamic fields

Related issue

Closes WIT-2328

[WIT-2103] Handle headless components

New features and improvements

  • Refactoring code to support headless components
  • Added project info props in catalog-info of releases and descriptor

Bug fixes

  • Fixed tags list in about content card

Related issue

Closes WIT-2103

[WIT-2291] Create entity registered event

New features and improvements

  • Create entity registered event
  • Fire entity registered event in blueprint registered and template registered topic

Bug fixes

  • Restore authentication in CatalogExtension and Notification routers
  • CatalogExtension router now correctly intercepts catalog routes

Related issue

Closes WIT-2291

[WIT-2319] Editor Wizard handles undefined identifier

New features and improvements

  • speeded up fetch action
  • add a check to ensure it is fetching the last task from a creation or an edit operation

Bug fixes

  • handle the case in which the identifier can be undefined

Related issue

Closes WIT-2319

[WIT-2081] Update tests for the new blueprint style

New features and improvements

Updates to improve Blueprints test suites

Related issue

Closes WIT-2081

[WIT-2311] Shoppable retro compatibility in the marketplace

Bug fixes

  • old components can still request access

Related issue

Closes WIT-2311

[WIT-2306] Move the environment selector in the release page to the top right

Bug fixes

Move the environment selector in the release page to the top right

Related issue

Closes WIT-2306

[WIT-2193] Fixes needed after migration

Bug fixes

Solve several UI problems encountered after upgrading dependencies

Related issue

Closes WIT-2193

[WIT-2202] Update tests

New features and improvements

The changes will allow executing autotest:

  • according to the new policy with prefilled fields
  • with a new token

Related issue

Closes WIT-2202

[WIT-2068] Show subcomponents on the marketplace

New features and improvements

  • updated docs
  • refactored some custom components
  • added showWhen property in the custom view
  • added default property in the custom view
  • added subcomponents view as default in the output port page in the marketplace
  • added a migration to add a row in custom_presentation that reflects the same structure as the above point, but in the YAML format so that the professional services can start to edit from that instead of building the YAML from scratch.
  • added a custom component tech card that holds technical information. In this component, a configs property can be specified directly in the custom component (yaml) to specify where to fetch the tech info. It falls back to app-config if not specified.
  • the info card has the request access button disabled if the parent component is not shoppable.
  • adjusted app-config default values for the output port page

Bug fixes

  • the UI does not break if some values are undefined in the yaml or if nunjucks is misspelled

Related issue

Closes WIT-2068

[WIT-2303] ConsumableInterface does not handle empty descriptors

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that was causing the app to crash in case Consumable Interface was not parsing a valid descriptor

Related issue

Closes WIT-2303

[WIT-2104] Register CGP resource types dynamically

New features and improvements

  • Refactored the Practice Shaper plugins for better standardization
  • New processor, and related configuration, to dynamically synchronize resource types between Practice Shaper and CGP
  • Introduced display name on resource types
  • Resource types are now configurable from the Practice Shaper

Related issue

Closes WIT-2104

[WIT-1975] Create notifications for policies and metrics status updates

New features and improvements

  • Create a new event type GovernanceEntityStatusChangeEvent with two topics MetricStatusChange and PolicyStatusChange
  • Create 4 new notifications: PolicyInGrace, MetricInGrace, PolicyEnabled, MetricEnabled

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the event service plugin not being created for the whole platform
  • Updated authorization calls with missing authentication

Related issue

Closes WIT-1975, WIT-1976

[WIT-2271] Fix Storybook Runtime Dependency Issue

Bug fixes

Fixed the failing storybook build.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2271

[WIT-2167] Update headers and taxonomy filter

New features and improvements

  • New breadcrumbs

  • Taxonomy filter on

    • Templates page
    • My projects page (former “my data products”)
    • Blueprints page

Related issue

Closes WIT-2167, WIT-2098

[WIT-2169] Send update ACL request to all consumable items of a component

New features and improvements

  • updateAcl HTTP request is now sent also for consumable subcomponents

Related issue

Closes WIT-2169

[WIT-630] Publishing a runtime policy with Info severity

Bug fixes

  • Info Flag Color Fix: The info flag color has been updated across relevant sections to maintain consistency with the application's styling guidelines. This ensures that the info flag is visually distinct and accurately reflects the information it conveys.
  • Result search in policy test details is now able to filter based on policy severity

Related issue

Closes WIT-630

[WIT-1464] Builder pages custom view support

New features and improvements

Support for custom view in the builder module

Related issue

Closes WIT-1464

[WIT-2224] Search plugin updated

Bug fixes

Updated the search plugin to work with the Postgres engine.

Related issue

CLoses WIT-2224

[WIT-2216] Move resource type picker to practice-shaper

New features and improvements

Moved the picker to the right plugin.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2216

[WIT-2215] Scaffolder must start with no code snapshot

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an environment export by removing the export in the commands

Related issue

Closes WIT-2215

[WIT-2205] Fix the audit plugin

Bug fixes

Fixed an error that prevented the audit plugin from returning any response.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2205

[WIT-1701] Support for table component

New features and improvements

Added table component for custom view

Related issue

Closes WIT-1701

[WIT-2204] Replaced fetch environments with reading environments from config

Bug fixes

Removed a catalog dependency from the platform plugin

Related issue

Closes WIT-2204

[WIT-2112] Add missing references to the Custom Presentation Retriever

Bug fixes

Add the fetchApi to the Custom Presentation Retriever

Related Issue

Closes WIT-2112

[WIT-1889] Include taxonomy info in the descriptor

New features and improvements

  • Added taxonomy info in the preview descriptor before deploying it.
  • Added taxonomy info in the preview descriptor for the old releases only if a configuration is set.


To enable the insertion of the taxonomy info in the previous release descriptors, you need to set the relative configuration to true

Related issue

Closes WIT-1889

[WIT-2069] Make reads from relation abstract

New features and improvements

  • Made readsFrom relation reflexive
  • Made readsFrom relation abstract
  • Introduced implicit readsFrom relation for workload component type in migration page

Related issue

Closes WIT-2069

[WIT-2137] Sort templates by custom priority

New features and improvements

Updated sort algorithm based on priority in the templates section. A user can decide in which order to see all templates by changing the metadata.displayName property on the catalo-info.yaml.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2137

[WIT-2110] Implement the new menu structure

New features and improvements

Implement the new sidebar navigation menu structure

Related issue

Closes WIT-2110

[WIT-2107] Add a border to the tables

New features and improvements

Add border to tables

Related issue

Closes WIT-2107

[WIT-2013] Upgrade backstage version to 1.25.2

New features and improvements

Upgraded Backstage to version v1.25.2.


  1. Catalog scheduling configuration changed for intervals and timeouts
  2. Catalog needs explicit sign-in resolvers
  3. Node requires an ENVIRONMENT variable configuration
  4. When defining custom themes the customOverrides must include the styleOverrides sub-field
  5. Update the Microsoft Graph Org configuration

Related issue

Closes WIT-2013

[WIT-1701] Added propagable actions in the custom view

New features and improvements

added propagable actions in the custom view

Bug fixes

Fixed the extraction of custom views from objects; it used to generate fixed values structure instead of paths

Related issue

Closes WIT-1701

[WIT-2063] Subcomponents in Builder

New features and improvements

  • add subcomponents' processor
  • add subcomponents in the descriptor
  • add tests
  • refactored descriptor builder code
  • provisioning panel (basic/advanced) now supports subcomponents

Related issue

Closes WIT-2063

[WIT-2163] Added missing field on policy creation form

Bug fixes

Added missing field on policy creation form (infrastructure template id) when resource type is 'Data product' and _trigger_is 'active'.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2163

[WIT-2085] Update autotests

New features and improvements

This fix changes the approach adopted when performing autotests.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2085

[WIT-2087] Edit software catalog columns for practice shaper entities

New features and improvements

Changed columns for taxonomy, system type, domain type, component type table in software catalog.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2087

[WIT-1984] Bug fix for unexpected-end-of-json-input

Bug fixes

Resolved the 'unexpected-end-of-json-input' error in the access control page when one OP is selected.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1984

[WIT-1857] Implement a maintenance page

New features and improvements

Created maintenance page. This is shown when migration to ontology is active, but the logged user isn't a platform team member, he doesn't have permission to edit practice shaper and there aren't active taxonomies


To enable the practice shaper edit panel a new permission practice-shaper.edit is needed on permissions table. We suggest assigning this permission to a role that has at least platform.settings.edit permission.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1857

[WIT-1455] Fix blank logs drawer

Bug fixes

  • logs drawer does not become blank when deployment finishes

Related issue

Closes WIT-1455

[WIT-2153] Fix bug on test panel render

Bug fixes

Fix the bug on the test panel render

Related issue

Closes WIT-2153

[WIT-2150] Add assistant pages

New features and improvements

  • Add an assistant tab on the registry section
  • Add an assistant drawer on the edit and test panel
  • Add a parameter to enable/disable the assistant

Related issue

Closes WIT-2150

[WIT-2067] Deployment preview screen should group subcomponents by components

New features and improvements

Add sub-component rows

Breaking changes

  • Change text field color from primary to secondary main
  • Update text field style to show a grey background when disabled

Related issue

Closes WIT-2067

[WIT-1572] Unable to disable manual compilation for DescriptorPicker

Bug fixes

  • It is now impossible for the user to enter arbitrary values for the DescriptorPicker.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1572

[WIT-1666] Add backward-compatible email channel

New features and improvements

  • Clean up on EmailService that has been split into EmailPresenter and TransporterService
  • Create EmailChannel

Related issue

Closes WIT-1666

[WIT-2052] Add a marketplace URL from the coordinator

New features and improvements

  • updated link in toast after successfully deploying
  • ensured back compatibility with old deploys that do not have the new return object from the marketplace
  • updated the View Marketplace link accordingly
  • add a label in the about card of the provisioning details, for each object inside privateInfo of provisoniningInfo returned by the coordinator

Related issue

Closes WIT-2052

[WIT-2080] Wrong behavior in entity selection picker

New features and improvements

  • Handled default values for EntitySelectionPicker. The default value is handled only in case of fields with type: string and ui:property defined.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2080

[WIT-1943] Improve policies' creation

New features and improvements

  • Added threshold label if defined
  • Fixed rounded threshold value
  • Added * when a field is required on the policy/metric form
  • Disabled the 'next step' button when the form isn't valid
  • Refactored policy creation form
  • Added external URL on metric detail

Related issue

Closes WIT-1943

[WIT-1704] Marketplace restyled with Custom View

New features and improvements

Marketplace opt-in support for custom view

Related issue

Closes WIT-1704

[WIT-1855] Populate the type field by resolving instance of relations

New features and improvements

  • Populated the 'type' field of system, component and template entities with the 'instanceOf' target ref entities
  • Modified the way templates are grouped on the template page. Now, the templates are grouped based on the pluralizedDisplayName or displayName of the SystemType ComponentType the template generates
  • Modified the way components are grouped on the DataProduct page. Now, the components are grouped based on the pluralizedDisplayName or displayName of the ComponentType the component is instance of.
  • Added pluralizedDisplayName field in the SystemType and ComponentType entities.
  • Updated the imports to CatalogProcessor interface since it was deprecated

Related issue

Closes WIT-1855

[WIT-1700] Implement the practice shaper graph

New features and improvements

Update the ontology page to include an updated design graph

Related issue

Closes WIT-1700

[WIT-2082] Display metrics result even if the value is 0

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the display of a metric result if the value was 0

Related issue

Closes WIT-2082

[WIT-1978] Update autotests for the QA environment

New features and improvements

Added some improvements that have an impact on general autotests flow logic and bring a new page object model:

  • Added a page object 'archetype' that defines fetching the selectors and defining general functions
  • Added a page object 'versatile' that gathers the most common items (buttons, fields, and elements) and operations
  • left workable behavior to execute non-updated autotests (the old mechanism)
  • remove useless pages and garbage

Related issue

Closes WIT-1978

[WIT-1980] Fix date filtering in the table when selecting only one day

Bug fixes

  • Fix date filtering in the catalog Table when selecting only one day.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1980

[WIT-2053] Filter views by taxonomy

New features and improvements

  • Adjusted RBAC permissions to access practice shaper entities
  • Introduced configuration practiceShaper.migration.taxonomiesInUnifiedView to filter system and headless components to show in the "My Projects" page
  • Updated My Data Products page to support both the legacy behavior and also the Practice Shaper one, based on configuration
  • Updated the Practice Shaper instance processors (system, component) to create a relation towards the related taxonomy

Related issue

Closes WIT-2053

[WIT-2062] Update blueprints documentation

New features and improvements

  • Update blueprints documentation

Related issue

Closes WIT-2062

[WIT-1914] Add a docs tab to the blueprint detail page

New features and improvements

  • Add docs tab for blueprints

Related issue

Closes WIT-1914

[WIT-1913] Add other components accordion in blueprints

New features and improvements

  • Add other components accordion

Related issue

Closes WIT-1913

[WIT-1910] Handle select existing Data Product drawer

New features and improvements

  • Handle select existing data products from drawer
  • Set template form default values when adding a new template or selecting an existing one
  • Add clear button

Related issue

Closes WIT-1910

[WIT-1912] Handle blueprint creation

New features and improvements

  • Handle blueprint creation using single templates
  • Add template drawer
  • Remove the continue button
  • Add polling on template creation to fetch entity even if async

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug on task page wrong navigation on "Start Over" click

Related issue

Closes WIT-1912

[WIT-1909] Add new blueprint detail page

New features and improvements

  • Add new blueprint detail page layout
  • Update blueprints routing to handle Create and Docs Tab
  • Add a new tree component
  • Update the storybook to show the new tree component

Related issue

Closes WIT-1909

[WIT-2061] Auto-increment ID column in delivery_preferences keeps incrementing even when the upsert is done

Bug fixes

  • Changed the upsert function implementation for delivery preferences

Related issue

Closes WIT-2061

[WIT-1663] Fields not fetching their values if inside 'allOf' on EditTemplate

Bug fixes

  • Pickers can fetch the information regardless of their position on the form.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1663

[WIT-1702] Marketplace components for schema, backport multiple schema support to standard marketplace pages

New features and improvements

  • Added CustomView components to visualize schema
  • Backported multiple schema support to standard marketplace visualization

Bug fixes

  • Backported multiple schema support to standard marketplace visualization

Related Issue

Closes WIT-1702

[WIT-1702] Added marketplace custom view subcomponents

New features and improvements

CustomView subcomponents' set specific for marketplace

Related issue

Closes WIT-1702

New features and improvements

  • Added the UUID column to events that are propagated to subscribers of event topics

Related issue

Closes WIT-1642

[WIT-1463] Added support for common features for custom view subcomponents

New features and improvements

added support for common features for custom view subcomponents

  • Nunjucks support for label property
  • Nunjucks support for title property
  • hideWhenExists property (if the path is valorized hide the component)
  • showWhenExists property (show the component only if the path is valorized)

Related Issue

Closes WIT-1463

[WIT-1887] Disabled auto escape

New features and improvements

Disabled auto escape when parsed string value with nunjucks to resolve some string visualization problems.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1887

[WIT-1852] Embed implicit migration in entity processors

New features and improvements

  • Added implicit migration to all the instance entities
  • Modified resolveTypeOf function to fetch the instance from the catalog and not from the catalog-info.yaml
  • Removed delete operator and replaced with object destructuring


  • If you want to specify a custom Domain Type to use as an implicit migration target ref, you can specify the following config:
defaultDomainTypeRef: "your_domain_type_ref"

In case the above configuration is not specified, the implicit migration process will fallback to the default target ref domaintype:default/business-domain

Related issue

Closes WIT-1852

[WIT-1916] Fetch configurations from different branches

Bug fixes

  • configurations from branches different from master are now fetched correctly

Related issue

Closes WIT-1916

[WIT-1569] Customizable colors in the graphs

New features and improvements

Add within the theme the possibility to change the colors of:

  • the Data Product Graph
  • the colors used by charts and graphs (e.g. Mesh Supervision, Governance Overview, Marketplace Dependencies, etc.)

Related issue

Closes WIT-1569

[WIT-1985] Change returned OpenAPI field name

Bug fixes

  • changed dp to asset in the return marketplace API, after a data product is deployed successfully

Related issue

Closes WIT-1985

New features and improvements

  • changed the property to access the instance ID returned by the marketplace after a successful deploy
  • added WbLink reusable component for displaying links in the toast
  • add toast with a link after a new version is created

Bug fixes

  • pointer hover the link in the toast is fixed

Related issue

Closes WIT-1985

[WIT-1691] Fix allowed target types for ownedBy relation

New features and improvements

  • Added 'group' to the list of admitted kinds in ownedBy relation.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1691

[WIT-1691] Define practice shaper processors

New features and improvements

  • Introduced the wb-practice-shaper-plugin-backend
  • Added new entities in wb-catalog-common for DomainType, SystemType, ComponentType for handling and validating Domain, System and Component classes and: DomainEntity, ComponentEntity, SystemEntity, for handling Domain, Component and System instances.
  • Added the related processors for each class and instance entity listed above. Each processor is responsible for emitting relations towards other entities (both class and instance) and evaluates also some pre and post-conditions.
  • Removed SystemRelationProcessor and DependencyProcessor since they are redundant w.r.t. to the new instance processors
  • Moved the relation of the above processors to the new instance processors.

Breaking changes

Since the new instance entities have the same name as the existing ones there could be some issues with the related processors. To avoid this kind of error we set up a configuration under practiceShaper that disables the new instance processors:

instanceProcessorsEnabled: false

remember to enable the above config only after the migration.


After migrating to the new practice-shaper feature, just turn on the instance processors by setting the above config to true.

Also, add the following entity types under

- allow:
- DomainType
- SystemType
- ComponentType
- Taxonomy

Related issue

Closes WIT-1691

[WIT-1463] Custom Presentation base layout components

New features and improvements

Layout base components for CustomView

Related Issue

Closes WIT-1463

[WIT-1854] Populate the kind field in the descriptor by resolving instanceOf relations

New features and improvements

The kind field in the generated descriptor of systems and components is now computed by resolving the instanceOf relation in the Practice Shaper

Related issue

Closes WIT-1854

[WIT-1853] Make templates fill the instanceOf property

New features and improvements

  • When creating a system or component from a template, their spec.instanceOf property is now populated by the template based on the value of its spec.generates field
  • Optimized the templates retrieval query in the practice shaper migration page

Related issue

Closes WIT-1853

[WIT-2011] Cannot understand how many recipients are interested in a notification in the log

New features and improvements

  • Added a log for displaying stats out of recipients' map

Related issue

Closes WIT-2011

[WIT-1676] Create SystemUpdate and NewSystem notification

New features and improvements

  • Create NewSystem notification
  • Create SystemUpdate notification
  • Create ComponentsResolver
  • Make PushChannel send a request for each recipient type instead of one for each recipient
  • Move expandEntityRef from builder to platform, use the function in the new notification code instead of doing it manually

Related issue

Closes WIT-1676

[WIT-1989] Notification duplicating recipients

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug on SystemOpsImpactNotification where recipients were duplicated

Related issue

Closes WIT-1989

[WIT-1977] Allow the platform team to define user fields to send out to webhooks

New features and improvements

  • Added possibility to send out additional user info

Related issue

Closes WIT-1977

[WIT-1979] Split webhooks table into definition and notifications attached

New features and improvements

  • Split the webhooks table into two

Related issue

Closes WIT-1979

[WIT-1964] Docs for Azure and default values

New features and improvements

  • Added docs for the Azure DevOps integration
  • Added default values

Related issue

Closes WIT-1964

[WIT-1974] Edit button in the Edit and Test component responsive view is not disabled when the regular one is

Bug fixes

The edit button in the Edit and Test component responsive view is now disabled when the regular one is.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1974

[WIT-1899] Revamp deployment documentation

New features and improvements

  • Defined the documentation for the new deployment flow

Bug fixes

  • Updated all the images with the old UI for the general user journey

Related issue

Closes WIT-1899

[WIT-1810] Create the system Q&A event

New features and improvements

  • Added marketplace.question-sent and marketplace.answer-sent events

Related issue

Closes WIT-1810

[WIT-1845] Finish automated tests to check the ACL feature

New features and improvements

Continued to add tests to the suit 6 that checks ACL feature:

  • verify ACL feature usage in consumer's case
  • verify ACL feature usage in owner's case
  • improved way of searching and selecting elements

Related issue

Closes WIT-1845

[WIT-1858] Implement the Practice Shaper migration page

New features and improvements

  • New migration page in the platform settings to help the platform team with the upcoming migration to the Practice Shaper
  • Introduced configuration practiceShaper.migration.migrationSectionEnabled to enable the migration section
  • Extended the api to fetch the catalog info file of generic entities

Related issue

Closes WIT-1858

[WIT-1463] Custom Presentation base components

New features and improvements

  • Introduced base components for Custom View

Bug fixes

  • fixed Custom View exports
  • fixed Custom Presentation Retriever spec propagation includes

Related Issue

Closes WIT-1463

[WIT-1876] Fix the git token for GitLab templates

Bug fixes

  • Use the right token in the native git publish operation

Related issue

Closes WIT-1876

[WIT-1968] JSON schema generation script should skip unchanged files

Bug fixes

  • Added a new generate notification command to replace the old one that did not work with yarn

Related issue

Closes WIT-1968

[WIT-1864] Documentation notification engine

New features and improvements

  • Added notifications documentation

Related issue

Closes WIT-1864

[WIT-1876] Azure DevOps integration

New features and improvements

  • implemented the repository manager for Azure DevOps
  • implemented the witboostMeshComponent:publish:azure action
  • complete refactoring of the publish actions

Bug fixes

  • in BitBucket, you can now create an entity not in a root directory

Related issue

Closes WIT-1876

[WIT-1811] Port the access control notifications into the new engine

New features and improvements

  • Ported the access control notifications to the new event-based notification engine

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the notification center where some notifications kinds were not available to filter
  • Fixed a bug that prevented simple text fields configured by the platform team not to be displayed in an access control notification

Related issue

Closes WIT-1811

[WIT-1944] Fixed the new state column in advanced provisioning

Bug fixes

Fixed the new state column in advanced provisioning.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1944

[WIT-1936] Change the current test panel title

New features and improvements

Change the current test panel title to "It looks like you haven't run a test in this session yet!"

Related issue

Closes WIT-1936

[WIT-1907] Add blueprint components list

New features and improvements

  • Create a new blueprint card component to separate from template cards
  • Update cards removing owner and adding components list
  • Update table view
  • Update editor page components avatar adding border

Related issue

Closes WIT-1907

[WIT-1863] Add reverse provisioning button in the editor tab

New features and improvements

  • unified editor wizard icon
  • unified reverse provisioning icon
  • deleted row menu from catalog table
  • deleted edit metadata action button
  • added reverse provisioning button in editor tab e removed from about card

Related issue

Closes WIT-1863

[WIT-1935] Fix version mismatch during tests

Bug fixes

  • you cannot test/update or create a new release if the version in the descriptor is not the same as the one in the current data product

Related issue

Closes WIT-1935

[WIT-1917] Fix background monaco editor

Bug fixes

  • reset the background color to white after closing the task drawer

Related issue

Closes WIT-1917

[WIT-1929] Fix bug on edit and test tab structure

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the appearance when the structure panel would be very narrow when the test panel is open and long-named components might overflow.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1929

[WIT-1462] Added CustomView main component

New features and improvements

  • Create the CustomView main component
  • Add a facility to integrate subcomponents all around the codebase without having a single point to include
  • Created utilities to use mapping data objects by paths
  • serialize/deserialize utilities for JSX subtree

Related issue

Closes WIT-1462

[WIT-1879] Deployment flow restyle

New features and improvements

Several improvements to the Deployment flow

Related issue

Closes WIT-1879

[WIT-1924] Customer Theme

New features and improvements

Added a new theme for a customer.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1924

[WIT-1922] Add improvements to the deployment page

New features and improvements

  • Close the editor page branch select after clicking on one item
  • Disable the editor page environment select when a test is running
  • Fix bug on wrong editor page structure card code link

Related issue

Closes WIT-1922

[WIT-1764] Added editor page for component

New features and improvements

Added editor page for component

Related issue

Closes WIT-1764

[WIT-1882] Improve advanced provisioning permissions

New features and improvements

  • Replace advanced provisioning's "new state" column (if the selected environment is not allowed) with a normal chip
  • Update the size of the advanced provisioning select
  • Remove the version from the NOT DEPLOYED chip
  • Use DEPLOY as the default action
  • Remove the wrong underscore from the basic provisioning action column

Related issue

Closes WIT-1882

[WIT-1833] Fix descriptor drawer and metrics filters

Bug fixes

  • descriptor drawer now takes full height and opens without scrolling effect
  • Clear filters in the Search Results page now works correctly

Related issue

Closes WIT-1833

[WIT-1732] Marketplace callback failed before deep iterate at undefined

Bug fixed

  • Enabled viewing of a Data Product in the graph marked with an "unassigned" domain.
  • Fixed an issue allowing users to switch to a different environment after performing a search within the data product graph.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1732

[WIT-1856] Define and apply configurations for backward compatibility

New features and improvements

  • Defined new configurations for transitioning to the ontology model
  • My Data Products page now displays only deployable systems (data products by default)
  • My Data Products page now displays a resource type picker, to filter deployable systems by their resource type
  • Only the configured deployable system displays a builder page with the same functionalities as the data product page (overview, editor, release, control panel)
  • Initialized the Practice Shaper plugin and API

Breaking changes

None if the configurations under practiceShaper.migration are retained at their default values, i.e.:

- dataproduct
resourceTypesConversions: {}

Related issue

Closes WIT-1856

New features and improvements

  • a new label is shown when there is a deployed version for the selected environment in the marketplace
  • add ellipsis for links and tooltips to see the full link
  • add a check that ensures you cannot update, create a draft release, or test, on a branch that contains a different name from the current data product (for example, in the selection of a branch of a newer version of the data product)

Related issue

Closes WIT-1388

[WIT-1760] Add a button in the Marketplace Output Port page to request access directly

New features and improvements

  • The "Request Access" button is now accessible within the overview page of a specific output port.

Related Issue

Closes WIT-1760

[WIT-1393] Add the advanced deployment preview page

New features and improvements

  • Add the new advanced deployment preview page
  • Add auto rows update based on the dependency tree
  • Add partial provisioning API
  • Add selected components counter on deploy/undeploy buttons
  • Show message based on dependencies update and API response
  • Add a configuration to enable/disable partial provisioning by environment:
- development
- test

To enable it on a specific environment, add it to the list of enabled environments

  • Restrict possible actions

Related issue

Closes WIT-1393

[WIT-1842] Data access page improvements

New features and improvements

Data access page improvements:

  • add domain column to the left table
  • add the major version for systems next to the name
  • general improvements

Related issue

Closes WIT-1842

[WIT-1832] Update labels with the data product name

New features and improvements

Changed title in the release page, in the descriptor drawer, and the provisioning panel dialog with the right data product name (taken from descriptor)

Related issue

Closes WIT-1832

[WIT-1862] Check user permissions for the deploy operations

New features and improvements

Changed the labels 'Deploy all' to 'Deploy' and 'Undeploy all' to 'Undeploy'

Bug fixes

Deploy and undeploy buttons are enabled if the user has permission at almost one environment

Related issue

Closes WIT-1862, WIT-1866

[WIT-1868] Refinements deployment preview and chips

New features and improvements

  • all chips now show the current status version, even in the preview

Bug fixes

  • you can now check tests while the provisioning is still running

Related issue

Closes WIT-1868

[WIT-1392] Deployment preview page

New features and improvements

  • Add Deployment preview modal (without partial provisioning)
  • Add a new API plugin to retrieve invisible components

Related issue

Closes WIT-1392

[WIT-1806] Use new components for details in the policy summary

New features and improvements

Use the new detail component to improve the Policy summary page

Related issue

Closes WIT-1806

[WIT-1872] Fix EntityRelationsPicker field

New features and improvements

Updated the new field of EntityRelationsPicker to "ui:property".

Related issue

Closes WIT-1872

[WIT-1840] Select the correct branches in the releases list tab

New features and improvements

  • In the release table page, the update button and the new draft release button now send the right branches for each component.
  • Improved the descriptor drawer

Related issue

Closes WIT-1840

[WIT-1838] Make a picker select users belonging to a group extracted from another property

New features and improvements

It introduced the EntityRelationsPicker that lets the user select a value among a set of options fetched following the relations of another parameter. This is particularly useful if the user can only choose a value from a subset of elements, enforced using a relation.

Breaking changes

Deprecated the EntityComponentsPicker and replaced its functionalities with the EntityRelationsPicker.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1838

[WIT-1752] Add a row menu the releases list from deployment operations

New features and improvements

  • Added the shortcuts for deploy and undeploy in the release table

Related issue

Closes WIT-1752

[WIT-1685] Add an editor page for components and focus toggle

New features and improvements

  • add focus toggle
  • editor wizard is now enabled for components and it will fetch/push on the selected branch in the editor tab after the editing is completed
  • align editor wizard style with template wizard and add breadcrumbs

Related issue

Closes WIT-1685

[WIT-1469] "Automate test to check the ACL feature

New features and improvements

  • Fixed existing autotest
  • Added test suite to check the ACL page and registering templates feature

Related issue

Closes WIT-1469

[WIT-1684] Select the branch in the editor page

New features and improvements

In the editor page, it's now possible to select branches for an async select for each entity.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1684

[WIT-1805] Update the software catalog entity page with the new label style

New features and improvements

Move the components used for the General Information card in marketplace details to the core module and use them in the software catalog entity page to replace the old layout.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1805

New features and improvements

Added release link on success alert after the update and create the snapshot operations, and to the "promote to release" as well.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1756

[WIT-1518] Create the webhook channel

New features and improvements

  • Added webhook channel

Related issue

Closes WIT-1518

[WIT-1394] Terminate button

New features and improvements

Added a 'cancel tasks' button to enable safe termination of the current running deploy process and a 'force terminate' button to terminate all steps.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1394

[WIT-1461] Custom presentation retriever

New features and improvements

Implement the API and the hook to retrieve and cache the view structure for the CustomView component

Related issue

Closes WIT-1461

[WIT-1460] Custom presentation endpoints

New features and improvements

Added the REST endpoints to manage custom configuration files

Related issue

Closes WIT-1460

[WIT-1665] Create the push channel

New features and improvements

  • Added the push notification channel that is now the default channel once witboost is setup for the first time

Related issue

Closes WIT-1665

[WIT-1653] Call channel dispatch only once

New features and improvements

  • Added a presentation layer to the Notification object and can distinguish the message according to the recipient type
  • Added a resolver layer to Notification object that is now separate from the factory object and can now decide autonomously how to resolve recipients
  • Now dispatch on channels is called only once for each channel. channels can then reason about whether to split the actual dispatch operation or to send all together (e.g. webhooks)

Related issue

Closes WIT-1653

[WIT-1803] Handle current test empty state

New features and improvements

  • Add empty state for editor page current test tab

Related issue

Closes WIT-1803

[WIT-1812] Fix crash if the data sharing agreement field does not exist in the descriptor

Bug fixes

  • Fix crash if data sharing agreement field does not exist in OP descriptor

Related issue

Closes WIT-1812

[WIT-1674] Create runtime policy failed notification

New features and improvements

  • Added notifications for a runtime policy failed

Related issue

Closes WIT-1674

[WIT-1725] Missing customPalette colors break UI in platform settings and tech docs

New features and improvements

  • Update customPalette in doc. Tell the user to specify all colors

Related issue

Closes WIT-1725

[WIT-1697] Create recipient type all witboost users

New features and improvements

  • Added new recipient type Everyone, which resolves to all witboost users

Related issue

Closes WIT-1697

[WIT-1706] Fix bug with multiple microfrontend pages

Bug fixes

  • Fix a bug that caused a no refresh on the microfrontend page when switching between microfrontends

Related issue

Closes WIT-1706

[WIT-1625] Refine governance test panel

New features and improvements

  • Introduced report_error in the CGP /test polling mechanism that will show an alert if it is not null
  • Removed progress bar from Governance test page

Breaking changes

  • Remember to reload Hasura metadata since this MR will read the report_error param.

Bug fixed

  • Governance run test button is now disabled while an evaluation is in progress

Related issue

Closes WIT-1625

[WIT-1583] Manual editing of the EntitySelectionPicker

Bug fixes

Allow the user to enter manual values in the EntitySelectionPicker when allowArbitraryValues is true.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1583

[WIT-1723] Restyle editor test panel

New features and improvements

Restyle editor test panel:

  • Change icon size
  • In the current section shows the tasks list always opened

Related issue

Closes WIT-1723

New features and improvements

  • Add deploy quick links
  • Add a custom hook to retrieve the release deployment status

Bug fixes

  • Fix a bug on the validation gateway step
  • Fix a bug on the wrong banner message

Related issue

Closes WIT-1396

[WIT-1785] Handle waiting the dag status

New features and improvements

The WAITING execution plan task status is now being handled.

Related issue

Closes WIT-1785

[WIT-1530] Create recipient type SystemAccessControlList

New features and improvements

  • Create recipient type SystemAccessControlList
  • Remove unused catalogClient from MarketplaceQueryUtils

Related issue

Closes WIT-1530

[WIT-1605] Add a configuration to change the number of displayed rows for long elements

New features and improvements

  • Add new configuration fields mainInfo and sideInfo with default values to configure the layout and the fields inside the general information cards of the Marketplace (Data Product page, Output Port page).

  • Add an optional configuration maxLinesBeforeTruncate to change the character limit before having to click on the "Show more" button inside the general information cards of the Marketplace (Data Product page, Output Port page).

  • Change SLA and Data Sharing Agreement sections to adopt the grid layout as well

Related issue

Closes WIT-1605

[WIT-1327] Annotate reloader

New features and improvements

Annotate reloader into UI's deployment

Related issue

Closes WIT-1327

[WIT-1532] Create mapping function for recipient type builder users

New features and improvements

  • Added the builder users recipient type resolver

Related issue

Closes WIT-1532

[WIT-1352] Corrupted template is usable

Bug fix

  • Made the template with errors not selectable

Related issues

Closes WIT-1352

[WIT-1731] IdentitiesPicker won't close the popup when only 1 item is required

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that forced users to click out of the box to close the autocomplete suggestions in the IdentitiesPicker

Related issue

Closes WIT-1731

Provisioning Coordinator

Changelog v1.7.1

[WIT-2921] Fix scheduler dependencies

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the scheduler did not correctly handle waiting tasks for all dependencies

Related issue

Closes WIT-2921

Changelog v1.7.0

[WIT-2609] Send runtime policy failed event for local policies

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Runtime Policy Failed to be sent for local policies

Related issue

Closes WIT-2609

[WIT-2550] Emit an event on provisioning status update

New features and improvements

A new event system-provisioning-status-updated is now emitted at the end of a provisioning operation

Related issue

Closes WIT-2550

[WIT-2551] Improve performance on the latest evaluation retrieval

New features and improvements

Created a table to track the latest evaluations of CGP resources, enhancing the response time of the related retrieval operations.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2551

[WIT-2483] Validate results pushed to local policies

Bug fixes

  • Added a check for resource existence for a predefined domain

Related issue

Closes WIT-2483

[WIT-2321] Authenticate marketplace calls with server tokens

New features and improvements

  • Implemented and documented (Coordinator's config section) token manager and token factories for static and dynamic token generation
  • Extended the marketplace-compliant service configuration to optionally enable HTTP authorization with server tokens

Related issue

Closes WIT-2321

[WIT-2235] Forward provisioning info to dependent component provisioning tasks

New features and improvements

  • Now downstream tech adapters will receive deploy info from upstream tech adapters

Related issue

Closes WIT-2235

[#522] Update default marketplace endpoint

New features and improvements

Updated the default marketplace endpoint

Related issue

Closes #522

[WIT-1621] Fire Governance Entity Status Change Event

New features and improvements

  • Create and fire the new Governance Entity Status Change Event
  • Create the new Resource Resolver

Related issue

Closes WIT-1621

[WIT-2100] Introduce dynamic resource type handling

New features and improvements

  • New endpoint to get the configuration of a registered resource type
  • New endpoint to upsert a resource type
  • The Provisioning Coordinator's /v1/resolve endpoint now supports filtering resources by resource type

Breaking changes

  • Any previously registered resource type with name data_product has been renamed in dataproduct (without the underscore _)

Related issue

Closes WIT-2100, WIT-2088

[WIT-2181] Scaladoc does not compile DeploymentUnit docs

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Scaladoc for DeploymentUnit

Related issue

Closes WIT-2181

[WIT-2066] Add support for subcomponents provisioning

New features and improvements

  • Added support for subcomponents provisioning. Now a Deployment Unit can be composed of subcomponents too.

Related issue

Closes WIT-2066