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Creating Use Case Templates

To create your template, you will need to define two files:

  • A YAML file that configures the fields that a user needs to fill when creating a new component that the scaffolder wizard will render (i.e. template.yaml)
  • All the files and folders that the component created by this template will be made of; we will refer to them as _ skeleton files_. Inside the skeleton directory, there must be at least a YAML file containing the definitions of the component that your template will scaffold (i.e. catalog-info.yaml)

Those files together with all files and folders related to a template must be stored in your configured Git provider, the one configured within witboost (e.g. GitLab). This allows witboost to register your template by using the repository URL, pointing to the catalog-info.yaml file.

A common folder structure for templates is as follows:

├──────── catalog-info.yaml
├──────── mkdocs.yml
├──────── .gitlab-ci.yaml <--- CI/CD pipeline which will be executed by Use case templates
├──────── docs/
│ └────
├──────── environments/
│ ├──────────── dev/
│ │ └─── configurations.yaml
│ ├──────────── prod/
│ │ └──── configurations.yaml
│ └──────────── # any other env config goes here
└──────── # any other skeleton files here

All configurations.yaml files found under environments/<env_name> will be part of the full descriptor and will be merged with their corresponding entity's catalog-info file. configurations.yaml acts as environment-specific configurations for your components/systems. Remember that when an array merge is taking place, the new array value found in the configurations.yaml file will replace entirely the array value found in the catalog-info.yaml file.

Step one. template.yaml Definition

Templates are entities, and as such, they can be stored inside the Catalog. This is why they must be compliant with a well-defined structure.

A template definition describes both the parameters that are rendered in the frontend part of the scaffolding wizard and the steps that are executed when scaffolding that component.

A template.yaml definition generally contains these sections, as shown in the example below:

kind: Template
# data about the template, useful for the catalog

# defines the form fields for the user to insert the data required by the component

# steps performed by the scaffolder engine to effectively create your component

# some extra metadata for the scaffolder actions

Let's breakdown more those sections, leveraging an example template that we created.

The metadata section defines information about the template that is meaningful for the Catalog, for display purposes:

apiVersion: # internal, can be leaved as it is
kind: Template # kind will be always `template` when defining a template.yaml
name: example-template # unique id for this template inside the catalog
title: Example Template # display name
description: Template definition of an Example Template
icon: https://<icon_url>.png # icon appearing inside the catalog when displaying this template
annotations: dir:. # this is used by TechDocs to know where to look for docs, can be leaved as that
tags: # tags meaningful for users, they can be used for filtering templates inside the catalog
- example

The spec section defines:

  • template owner (spec.owner) and the type of the scaffolded entity (spec.type). The spec.type field of the template is used in the UI to group templates on the "Template" page (templates with the same type field will be grouped). You can put types in camel case and they will be displayed using spaces in the UI groupings.
  • the parameters (spec.parameters) that are presented to the user in a form, detailing the mandatory/optional ones (" required")
owner: agilelab
type: component # or any other available type
- title: Example Page # title of the scaffolder page
- fieldone
- fieldtwo
title: Name
type: string
description: Name of the example component
title: Owner
type: string
description: Owner of the example component
ui:field: EntityPicker # a custom picker
ui:options: # with custom options values
allowArbitraryValues: false
- User
title: Description
type: string
description: Description of the example component

- title: Example Page for Location Selection
- repoUrl
title: Repository Location
type: string
ui:field: RepoUrlPicker # another custom picker

Moreover, spec also defines:

  • Steps performed by the scaffolder
  • Values spec.steps[template].values passed to all files in the skeleton (including the catalog-info.yaml) when a new component is cloned. So that inside the skeleton you can refer to those values with the assigned key ( e.g. parameters.fieldone)
  • spec.steps[template].useCaseTemplateId: It is the unique Id that will be used to register the Use Case Template to the Provisioning Coordinator
  • spec.steps[template].infrastructureTemplateId: It is the unique ID that will be used to register a Tech Adapter to the Provisioning Coordinator.

Remember: all URNs are treated as case-insensitive values, except for infrastructureTemplateId. This is deprecated, in the future it will be all case-insensitive.

# we are still in the same section as in the above example
- id: template # fetches values from UI
name: Fetch Skeleton + Template #
action: fetch:template
url: ./skeleton # this is used to locate catalog-info.yaml
copyWithoutRender: # you can also specify files that will not be affected by variables replacement
- .gitlab-ci.yml
fieldone: '{{ parameters.fieldone }}'
fieldtwo: '{{ parameters.fieldtwo }}'
fieldthree: '{{ parameters.fieldthree }}'
useCaseTemplateId: urn:dmb:utm:aws-cdp-outputport-impala-template:0.0.0 # Specify any well-formatted Id you desire
infrastructureTemplateId: urn:dmb:itm:aws-cdp-outputport-impala-provisioner:1 # Specify any well-formatted Id you desire
useCaseTemplateVersion: 0.0.0
- id: publish # custom action that publishes the example component to GitLab
name: Publish
action: witboostMeshComponent:publish:gitlab
allowedHosts: ['']
description: 'This is {{ parameters.fieldone}}'
repoUrl: '{{ parameters.repoUrl }}'

- id: register # register the example component into the witboost catalog
name: Register
action: catalog:register
repoContentsUrl: '{{ steps.publish.output.repoContentsUrl }}'
catalogInfoPath: '/{{ parameters.rootDirectory }}/catalog-info.yaml'

remoteUrl: '{{ steps.publish.output.remoteUrl }}'
entityRef: '{{ steps.register.output.entityRef }}'

If you are not using Gitlab, as in the example, please refer to the Git Providers section below

template.yaml has some requirements to which it must be compliant:

  • Field metadata.title and metadata.description are mandatory fields
  • Field spec.steps.values.useCaseTemplateId: Must match the following URN format: urn:dmb:utm:{name}:{version} (note that is utm)
  • Field spec.steps.values.infrastructureTemplateId must match the URN identifier urn:dmb:itm:{name}:{version}
  • Field spec.steps.values.useCaseTemplateVersion must be not empty and should equal to the {version} in the useCaseTemplateId field.


  • allowed characters in {name} section are alphanumeric ([a-z] and/or [A-Z] and/or [0-9]) and/or dashes (-) and/or underscores (_) only
  • allowed format for {version} section must be a single positive number (e.g. 13) or a dot-separated sequence of three numbers (e.g. 1.11.16)
  • Use case template URN starts with urn:dmb:utm while an Infrastructure template URN starts with urn:dmb:itm

Notice that the registration step will reject your request of creating a new component if such mandatory requirements are not fulfilled.

All input fields are defined in template.yaml will be fetched by the scaffolder and will be available to be referenced from the catalog-info.yaml and all files inside the skeleton folder using the parameters variable ( e.g. parameters.fieldone).

So, now that we have a template.yaml ready, we should now map all user inputs to catalog-info.yaml which will define the structure of your component.

Publish step

The publishing step is in charge of creating the repository if that does not exist, and publishing all files and contents generated from the scaffolding phase into a destination SCM provider.

When integrating with an SCM provider (like Gitlab), the templates for all the entities handled by witboost must use specific actions for publication and registration. This is because each provider needs different input parameters, and the data used to perform the operations can differ ( e.g. for Bitbucket all the URLs must end with ?at={branchName}).


An example of valid Gitlab template's actions in the template.yaml file looks like the following:

- id: publish
name: Publish
action: witboostMeshComponent:publish:gitlab
allowedHosts: ['']
description: 'This is ${{ }}'
repoUrl: '${{ parameters.repoUrl }}'
rootDirectory: '${{ parameters.rootDirectory }}'
parentRef: '${{ }}'

- id: register
name: Register
action: catalog:register
repoContentsUrl: '${{ steps.publish.output.repoContentsUrl }}'
catalogInfoPath: '/${{ parameters.rootDirectory }}/catalog-info.yaml'

The publish action is a custom action that takes care of creating the repository for a project on the Gitlab target repository. The inputs that must be passed, as shown above, are the target host, the description, the repository URL and root directory (extracted from the RepoUrlPicker), and the System name. Please note that the extract above is valid for a System template, while when used for a Component template the parentRef line should be changed to refer to the System chosen in the steps above (e.g. with an EntityPicker or an EntitySearchPicker with name parentRef):

parentRef: '${{ parameters.parentRef }}'

The register action simply takes the output of the publish action and registers the published repository as an entity in the database.

Bitbucket Server

An example of valid on-premise Bitbucket template actions in the template.yaml file looks like the following (for a System template):

- id: publish
name: Publish
action: witboostMeshComponent:publish:bitbucketServer
allowedHosts: ['']
description: 'This is ${{ }}'
repoUrl: '${{ parameters.repoUrl }}'
rootDirectory: '${{ parameters.rootDirectory }}'
parentRef: '${{ }}'

- id: register
name: Register
action: catalog:register
catalogInfoUrl: '${{ steps.publish.output.catalogInfoUrl }}'

The publish action is a custom action that takes care of creating the repository for a System on the on-premise Bitbucket target repository (you can see that the host does not reference the global cloud). The inputs that must be passed, as shown above, are the target host, the description, the repository URL and root directory ( extracted from the RepoUrlPicker), and the System name. Please note that the extract above is valid for a System template, while when used for a Component template the parentRef line should be changed to refer to the System chosen in the steps above (e.g. with an EntityPicker or an EntitySearchPicker with name parentRef):

parentRef: '${{ parameters.parentRef }}'

The register action simply takes the output of the publish action and registers the published repository as an entity in the database. Note that the register action is the Backstage default one, so you can refer to the default documentation to change its behavior. Anyway, in this case, it is mandatory to use the URL generated by the publish step as input; this is because the URL must have the ?at={branchName} suffix, and the publish action already creates the URL that way.

Azure DevOps

An example of valid Azure DevOps template actions in the template.yaml file looks like the following:

- id: publish
name: Publish
action: witboostMeshComponent:publish:azure
allowedHosts: ['']
description: This is ${{ }}
rootDirectory: ${{ parameters.rootDirectory }}
repoUrl: ${{ parameters.repoUrl }}
parentRef: '${{ }}'

- id: register
name: Register
action: catalog:register
catalogInfoUrl: '${{ steps.publish.output.catalogInfoUrl }}'

The publish action is a custom action that takes care of creating the repository for a System on Azure target repository. The inputs that must be passed, as shown above, are the target host, the description, the repository URL and root directory ( extracted from the RepoUrlPicker), and the System name. Please note that the extract above is valid for a Data Product template, while when used for a Component template the parentRef line should be changed to refer to the System chosen in the steps above (e.g. with an EntityPicker or an EntitySearchPicker with name parentRef):

- id: publish
name: Publish
action: witboostMeshComponent:publish:azure
allowedHosts: ['']
description: This is ${{ }}
rootDirectory: ${{ parameters.rootDirectory }}
repoUrl: ${{ parameters.repoUrl }}
parentRef: '${{ parameters.parentRef }}'

The register action simply takes the output of the publish action and registers the published repository as an entity in the database.

Default values

When creating a new data product or component from a template in Azure, you can specify some default values from the configuration, in order to customize the creation of the corresponding project, if not existent. The values are the following, to be put in the values.yaml:

projectDescription: test description
projectVisibility: 1
projectTemplateType: basic


  • projectDescription [string]: default description value when a new project is created by the action. If not provided, default is ''.
  • projectVisibility [string]: default visibility value when a new project is created by the action. If not provided, default is Organization, with fallback to Private. Available visibilities are the following:
    • Private = 0 : The project is only visible to users with explicit access
    • Organization = 1 : Enterprise level project visibility
    • Public = 2 : The project is visible to all.
    • SystemPrivate = 3
  • projectTemplateType [string]: default template type value when a new project is created by the action. If not provided, default is Basic. Available template types are:
    • basic : This template is flexible for any process and great for teams getting started with Azure DevOps.
    • agile : This template is flexible and will work great for most teams using Agile planning methods, including those practicing Scrum.
    • cmmi : This template is for more formal projects requiring a framework for process improvement and an auditable record of decisions.
    • scrum : This template is for teams who follow the Scrum framework.


An example of valid GitHub template actions in the template.yaml file looks like the following:

- id: publish
name: Publish
action: witboostMeshComponent:publish:github
description: This is ${{ }}
repoUrl: ${{ parameters.repoUrl }}
parentRef: '${{ parameters.parentRef }}'
rootDirectory: ${{ parameters.rootDirectory }}

In addition, you can set the following parameters for the input section:

  • homepage [string]: the repository's homepage URL. This is the URL that will be displayed in the repository's About section;
  • deleteBranchOnMerge [boolean]: Delete the branch after merging the PR. The default value is 'false';
  • allowMergeCommit [boolean]: Allow merge commits. The default value is 'true';
  • allowSquashMerge [boolean]: Allow squash merges. The default value is 'true';
  • squashMergeCommitTitle [string]: Sets the default value for a squash merge commit title. Can have values 'PR_TITLE' or 'COMMIT_OR_PR_TITLE'. The default value is 'COMMIT_OR_PR_TITLE';
  • squashMergeCommitMessage [string]: Sets the default value for a squash merge commit message. Can have values 'PR_BODY', 'COMMIT_MESSAGES', or 'BLANK'. The default value is 'COMMIT_MESSAGES';
  • allowRebaseMerge [boolean]: Allow rebase merges. The default value is 'true';
  • allowAutoMerge [boolean]: Allow individual PRs to merge automatically when all merge requirements are met. The default value is 'false';
  • access [string]: Sets an admin collaborator on the repository. Can either be a user reference different from 'owner' in 'repoUrl' or team reference, eg. 'org/team-name';
  • collaborators [array<object>]: Provide additional users or teams with permissions. This is an array of objects with the following properties:
    • access [string]: The type of access for the user';
    • user [string]: The name of the user that will be added as a collaborator. At least one of 'user' or 'team' must be provided;
    • team [string]: The name of the team that will be added as a collaborator. At least one of 'user' or 'team' must be provided;
  • hasProjects [boolean]: Enable projects for the repository. The default value is 'true' unless the organization has disabled repository projects;
  • hasWiki [boolean]: Enable the wiki for the repository. The default value is 'true';
  • hasIssues [boolean]: Enable issues for the repository. The default value is 'true';
  • topics [array<string>]: Array of topics for the repository. These are used to help people find your repository, and will be listed in the repository's About section;
  • repoVariables [object]: Variables attached to the repository. This is an object with custom keys. Every key will be a variable name, and the value will be the variable value;
  • oidcCustomization [object]: OIDC customization template attached to the repository. This is an object with the following properties:
    • useDefault [boolean]: Boolean that represents whether to use the default OIDC template or not;
    • includeClaimKeys [array<string>]: Array of unique strings (key claims). Each claim key can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores.

Publishing in multiple repositories

It is possible to publish to more than one repository starting from one template. In that case, you would probably want to create two separate fetch, publish and register phases. Here we are introducing the input.sourcePath value in the publish phase which is used to read from the folder specified in the input.targetPath of the fetch phase so these two variables must be an exact match. An example of this is:

- id: templateOne
name: Fetch Skeleton + Template
action: fetch:template
url: ./skeleton
targetPath: '${{ parameters.rootDirectory }}'
identifier: '${{ parameters.identifier }}One'
destination: '${{ parameters.repoUrl | parseRepoUrl }}One'
- id: publishOne
name: Publish
action: witboostMeshComponent:publish:gitlab
allowedHosts: [ '' ]
description: 'This is ${{ }}'
repoUrl: '${{ parameters.repoUrl }}'
rootDirectory: '${{ parameters.rootDirectory }}'
parentRef: '${{ parameters.parentRef }}'

- id: registerOne
name: Register
action: catalog:register
repoContentsUrl: '${{ steps.publishOne.output.repoContentsUrl }}'
catalogInfoPath: '/${{ parameters.rootDirectory }}/catalog-info.yaml'

- id: templateTwo
name: Fetch Skeleton + Template
action: fetch:template
url: ./skeleton
targetPath: '${{ parameters.rootDirectory }}/two'
identifier: '${{ parameters.identifier }}Two'
destination: '${{ parameters.repoUrl | parseRepoUrl }}Two'
- id: publishTwo
name: Publish
action: witboostMeshComponent:publish:gitlab
allowedHosts: [ '' ]
description: 'This is ${{ }}'
repoUrl: '${{ parameters.repoUrl }}Two'
rootDirectory: '${{ parameters.rootDirectory }}'
parentRef: '${{ parameters.parentRef }}'
sourcePath: 'two'
- id: registerTwo
name: Register
action: catalog:register
repoContentsUrl: '${{ steps.publishTwo.output.repoContentsUrl }}'
catalogInfoPath: '/${{ parameters.rootDirectory }}/catalog-info.yaml'

- title: Repository
url: '${{ steps.publish.output.remoteUrl }}'
- title: Open in catalog
icon: catalog
entityRef: '${{ steps.register.output.entityRef }}'
- title: Repository
url: '${{ steps.publishTwo.output.remoteUrl }}'
- title: Open in catalog
icon: catalog
entityRef: '${{ steps.registerTwo.output.entityRef }}'

Be really careful NOT to use special characters(for example -) in the id of the publishing phase!

Step two. catalog-info.yaml Definition

The catalog-info.yaml file, that must be defined inside the skeleton folder, serves as a collector of all the metadata and the structure of what your template will become after cloning it.

This file contains variables, which are filled by the scaffolding phase (when a template is cloned). During this scaffolding phase, all variables are resolved by filling them with the frontend values taken from the user input (as defined in template.yaml).

You will notice that in our examples field is structured as ${{ values.domain + "." + values.identifier + "." + values.version }}. That is because, as said above, it is important for the field to be unique.

In the catalog-info.yaml you must add under the spec.mesh.specific field all the fields that your specific technology requires. You can leave them empty (the user will fill them directly in the repository) or read them from the UI (in that case you can use variables as done for the other "common" fields).

For the example above, we could define a catalog-info.yaml like this:

kind: Component # this is one of the allowed catalog kinds, and should not be changed, since it will affect how entities are handled inside witboost
name: ${{ values.fieldone }}
description: ${{ values.fieldthree }}

# fixed fields
type: component
lifecycle: experimental
owner: ${{ values.fieldtwo }}
# custom fields
componentOwner: ${{ values.fieldtwo }}
useCaseTemplateId: ${{ values.useCaseTemplateId }}
infrastructureTemplateId: ${{ values.infrastructureTemplateId }}
version: 0.0.0 # Specify whatever component version you desire

specific: # all extra fields goes here

When creating a new template, you will not need to start from scratch, but you can just start by cloning a meta-template and editing it. This is the easiest and most recommended way to create a new template. There are different types of templates that you can create, and you can find them in the Template Kinds section of this documentation.


  • The field supports only [a-z0-9+#] separated by [-], no spaces or other special characters are allowed here
  • tags field is following the same rule

Adding extra fixed-value fields in catalog-info.yaml

If you feel like you do not have enough fields in the fixed structure to define your component, you can always add extra fields by defining them under spec.mesh.specific, as in this example, where we create a custom field called mycustomfield:

kind: System
# ...
# ...
# ...
mycustomfield: custom

Step three. skeleton folder

The skeleton folder and its contents will be copied to the repository when the Use Case Template is scaffolded; so this folder should contain all the things needed for that component to be deployed: metadata, code, documentation, etc.

  1. Then you can add your Use Case Template to the Builder, and you can use it to create multiple components for your Data Products.

  2. When you perform a commit operation in the Builder we will generate a Data Product Descriptor, and we will call the resulting file descriptor.yaml. Descriptor serves as a combination of all catalog-info.yaml files of the components of the selected Data product. It merges the Data product info and all of its components info into one single file which can be later sent to the Provisioner. The most important conversion that happens in this step is that is used as id field inside the descriptor. Other changes that happen in this step are the additions of:

    • dataProductOwnerDisplayName (taken from the Builder organization structure) that serves for display purposes
    • name (taken from the field)
    • Everything else that is inside the spec.mesh field of catalog-info.yaml files is copied as is to the descriptor.yaml

Don't know where to start creating your Use Case Template ? Try to duplicate one of the existing templates for the component kind (or Data Product kind) that you want to create. These templates are already pre-filled with all the basic "common" details.

Adding extra editable-value fields

In case the value of your custom field must be filled by the user from the template wizard, you will need to define a field inside the template.yaml, as shown in this example, where we are creating mycustomfield:

kind: Template
# ...
owner: agilelab
type: workload
# ...
- title: Spark infrastructure details
- mycustomfield
# ...
title: Artifact bucket
type: string
description: S3 Bucket name where spark artifacts will be stored
# ...
- id: template
name: Fetch Skeleton + Template
action: fetch:template
# ...
# ...
mycustomfield: '${{ parameters.mycustomfield }}'
# ...
# ...

To reference that field, you must use the values variable from inside the catalog-info.yaml or any other skeleton file. As shown in the example below:

kind: Component
# ...
# ...
# ...
tags: [ ${{ values.mycustomfield | dump }} ]
readsFrom: { % if values.readsFrom | length > 0 % }{ % for i in values.readsFrom % }
- ${{ i }}{% endfor %}{% else %}[]{% endif %}
mycustomfield: ${{ values.mycustomfield | dump }}
# ...

In the example above, notice how you can define complex logic on top of values. To know more about the syntax, please refer to Nunjucks docs

Enabling docs generation in your components

In the template definition, there are two customizable points that you can leverage to increase the user experience for witboost users:

  1. in the template repository, you can define a mkdocs.yaml file and a docs directory to let users better understand what the template will create once selected for creation.
  • Create a mkdocs.yml file in the root of your repository that will have the following content:
site_name: 'example-docs'
- Home:
- techdocs-core
  • Update your template definition by adding the following lines to its template.yaml file in the root of the repository:
annotations: dir:.
  • Create a /docs folder in the root of your repository with at least an file in it. (If you add more markdown files, make sure to update the nav in the mkdocs.yml file to get proper navigation for your documentation.) Note - Although docs is a popular directory name for storing documentation, it can be renamed to something else and can be configured by mkdocs.yml. See
  1. you can add an icon to your template that will be displayed in the templates page by adding a public png URL in the template.yaml file, like:

Step four. Registering a Use Case Template

You can add the template using the catalog-import plugin, which you can find in the templates page by clicking on Register an existing component. Inside the page, you will need to link the committed template.yaml file; make sure to not commit the template to a branch with slashes (e.g. feature/branch-name) since the plugin will not be able to figure out the right path in this case.

Register existing component

Otherwise, you can add the template files to the catalog through static location configuration. For example:

- type: url
- allow: [Template]


  • the url you register to import the template must refer to the template yaml file and should be related to a specific branch (like in the above example)

Refer to Backstage documentation to know more about it.

Practice Shaper

Use Case Templates are nodes of the Practice Shaper graph. Their role is to help in creating instances of system and component types.

As extensively described in the Practice Shaper documentation, every template should define a spec.generates property referencing the system type or component type of the system/component instances it generates.


The spec.generates property is strongly required when the template includes a fetch:template action; otherwise, the action will not be able to complete.

fetch:template uses the value of spec.generates to automatically fill the spec.instanceOf property of the generated system or component instance