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This shows a table with three columns:

  1. The first column shows a conditional use of Nunjucks to show the name taken from the spec.mesh field if it exists, otherwise it shows the name taken from the metadata field;
  2. the second column shows a reference link (to the owner of the component);
  3. the third column shows a simple description string
- type: table
path: components
- type: string
label: Name
value: '{{ if else }}'
width: 30%
- type: link
label: Name
path: owner
width: 20%
- type: string
label: Description
path: metadata.description
width: 50%


Simple Card

This shows a card with just a name, version and description

- type: card
title: General Information
- type: container
- label: Name
type: string
path: name
- label: Version
type: string
path: version
- label: Description
type: string
path: description

New Root inside a Card

This shows a card where to simplify the definition, a new root is defined. To achieve this behavior, it uses the new_root component to simplify the paths of its children (so that you can write upTime instead of dataContract.SLA.upTime)

- type: card
title: Data Contract
- type: sub_card
title: SLA
- type: container
- type: new_root
path: dataContract.SLA
- label: upTime
type: string
path: upTime
- label: timeliness
type: string
path: timeliness
- label: interval of change
type: string
path: intervalOfChange
- label: Terms and Conditions
type: string
path: dataContract.termsAndConditions
colSpan: 4

Complete Example

This excerpt here, is extracted from the Marketplace component page:

- type: grid_list
- type: include
id: marketplace_component_general
- type: grid_sequence
path: _componentsByKind
showWhenExists: components
value: '{{ components | some("consumable", true) }}'
equals: 'true'
- type: card
title: '{{ label }}'
- type: table
value: '{{consumable}}'
notEquals: false
click: showSubcomponent
path: components
- type: string
value: '{{ name }}'
label: Name
- type: string
value: '{{ description }}'
label: Description
- type: string
value: '{{ technology }}'
label: Technology
- type: marketplace_tech_card
- buildInfo
- info
- type: card
title: Data Contract
- dataContract.SLA
- dataContract.schema[0]
- type: sub_card
title: SLA
showWhenExists: dataContract.SLA
- type: container
- type: new_root
path: dataContract.SLA
- label: upTime
type: string
path: upTime
showWhenExists: upTime
- label: timeliness
type: string
path: timeliness
showWhenExists: timeliness
- label: interval of change
type: string
path: intervalOfChange
showWhenExists: intervalOfChange
- label: Terms and Conditions
type: string
path: dataContract.termsAndConditions
showWhenExists: dataContract.termsAndConditions
colSpan: 4
- type: schema_list
path: dataContract.schema
- type: grid_sequence
path: ''
- type: card
title: '{{ name }}'
- type: table
path: columns
treeview: children
hideEmptyColumns: true
- type: string
path: dataType
width: 15%
label: Type
- type: string
path: name
width: 30%
label: Name
- type: string
path: description
width: 40%
label: Description
- type: tags
path: tags
width: 10%
label: Tags
- type: row_link
label: Semantic Link
path: _semanticlink
align: right
width: 5%
click: showSemanticLink
- type: vspace
- showWhenExists: dataSharingAgreements
type: card
title: Data Sharing Agreement
- type: container
- type: automatic_fields_list
path: dataSharingAgreements
colSpan: '2'
- type: data_preview
title: Data Preview

In the example above, we can notice:

  • first of all a grid_list, which contains a list of all the page's cards;
  • then, the first child is an include component, which includes the marketplace_component_general custom view; this shows the general information of the component, without the need to redefine it here.
  • then, we want to display the sub-components of the component, if the component have them, and if at least one of them is consumable. Since the sub-components might be of different kinds, we want to display them grouped by their kind. To achieve this:
    • we use a grid_sequence component, which iterates over the _componentsByKind array. The showWhenExists property makes sure that the card is shown only if the components array is not empty, while the showWhen property makes sure that the card is shown only if at least one of the sub-components is consumable.
    • for each element of _componentsByKind, we define a card with the kind as title, and then a table with all the sub-components of that kind. note that we show the row only if the sub-component is consumable, by using the showRowWhen property.
    • for each component in the table we show the name, description and technology of the sub-component as string components.
    • the table defines a click action to show the sub-component details showSubcomponent.
  • then, we show the marketplace_tech_card custom view, which iterates the buildInfo and the info fields of the component's descriptor; this a custom view that iterates all the sub-fields of the input configs array, and shows them automatically if they comply to the rules.
  • then, we show the Data Contract card, which contains the SLA and the schema of the component, if they exist. We ensure this by using the showWhenExists property. Note that the showWhenExists property checks the conditions with an OR operator, so the card is shown only if the SLA or the schema are defined
    • the SLA is shown as a sub_card, with the title SLA, and then a container where we define all the SLA fields that we want to display. We use the new_root component to simplify the paths of the children, so that we can write upTime instead of dataContract.SLA.upTime. We also use the showWhenExists property to show the field only if it is defined.
    • to show the schema, we need to first wrap it in a schema_list; this is needed since the schema could be a single definition, or an array of schemas: using the schema_list, which converts the dataContract.schema to an array, we can easily iterate over it. We iterate using a grid_sequence, and for each element we define a card with the schema name as title. Then, we define a table with the all the schema columns we want to display (note that the last column is a row_link to show the semantic link of the column, with the showSemanticLink action). The table has the treeview property set to children: this means that if a row element has a children field containing sub-rows, the table will show them as a tree. We also set the hideEmptyColumns property to true, so that the table will not show columns with no data. To add some space between the schemas, we add a final vspace component.
  • then, we show the Data Sharing Agreement card, which contains the data sharing agreements of the component, if they exist. We ensure this by using the showWhenExists property. The data sharing agreements are shown using an automatic_fields_list component, which automatically iterates over the dataSharingAgreements field, and shows all of its fields. By setting the defaults property, we can define default properties for all the fields: in this case we set the colSpan property to 2 for all the fields.
  • finally, we show the Data Preview card, which contains the data preview of the component. This component can't be configured: it checks if the sampleData field is defined, and if it is, it shows the data preview as a table.