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Update Data Product Metadata

When you are creating a new repository from a template, you don't have to specify all the metadata at once; since the definition of all the components (and of the Data Product as well) is stored in the repositories, you can update the metadata by simply performing a git commit on them.

Edit and Test Page

Once a data product has been created the resulting repository will contain a catalog-info.yaml file with all the Data Product's metadata: if the Data Product metadata should be updated, this is the file that should be updated, by changing its values.

When editing the metadata values of a catalog-info.yaml file, always bear in mind the following rules:

  • the catalog-info.yaml files of all the repositories are used to generate the final Data Product Descriptor. The Data Product catalog-info.yaml will generate the header section, while each component one will generate an entry in the components array;
  • the spec.mesh section of the catalog-info.yaml will be copied almost verbatim inside the Data Product Descriptor (only a few changes will be applied, like the extraction of users' names);
  • some attributes of the Data Product Descriptor will be taken from metadata elements outside of the spec.mesh section, in particular:
    • the identifier is automatically generated as a URN using the field;
    • the description is taken from metadata.description;
    • the kind is extracted from the spec.kind field;
    • the display names of users and groups are automatically extracted from the database;
    • the environment field is added on the fly when a Data Product Descriptor is generated. All other metadata outside of the ones just mentioned and the ones in the spec.mesh section should not be changed since they will affect how the entity is processed inside Witboost. From the details page of a Data Product, you will be able to access also the Edit and Test tab, where the Data Product Descriptor is automatically generated for you, to check it as a whole.

Remember that the Marketplace is updated only by deploy operations, so you will need to perform another deploy operation in case you want to change the metadata visualized in the Marketplace.

Deploy operations are idempotent, so you can always re-deploy an already deployed data product to update its metadata.


All URNs are treated as case-insensitive values, except for infrastructureTemplateId. This is deprecated, in the future it will be all case-insensitive.