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Managing Access To Data Products

Granting Access with Access Control Panel

If you are owner of a data product, then you can grant access to its output ports in the Data Product Details in the Access Control tab. By default you will see two lists. On the left side there are all output ports of your data product. By selecting an output port, on the right side a list of all users and groups which have access or some pending requests will be shown.

Access control panel

For each user and group there may be multiple requests. By clicking on request status button a dialog window will appear. Here, for each request, it is specified who is the requester, when it was created, if it's a grant or a revoke request and its status.

Requests' details

By clicking on Add button, you, as a owner, can make a new access request for the selected output port. The request can be made for multiple users at the same time, selecting them from the identities field, if configured in the Access Control Request Template.

Requests' details

Moreover, another view is available by clicking on Users and groups. Now on the left side you will see all users and groups that have access to at least one output port of the data product and on the right the access control list and pending requests for the output port specified.

Requests' details.

Revoking Access With Access Control Panel

From the access control panel, you can also revoke access for some users and groups by clicking on the Revoke button. This button is shown only if it's foreseen by the configuration. Moreover, it is implicitly stated that only owners of resources can request revokes.

Requests' details

A dialog will be appear, then selecting users and groups and providing a motivation a revoke request could be sent.

Requests' details